Environment & food

Research Pass

Emerald journals and eBooks cover a broad spectrum of content relevant to your sector, in areas such food & nutrition, environmental management, agriculture and climate change.

With Research Pass, we can help you access it flexibly and affordably by article or chapter. You don’t have to commit to a subscription and you can pick and choose from all the journal and book content we’ve published to date. One token = one book chapter or journal article.

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Most-read content

Perceptions of nicotine in current and former users of tobacco and tobacco harm reduction products from seven countries

This open access article aims to discover if current and former consumers of tobacco and tobacco harm reduction (THR) products could distinguish between “nicotine” and “cigarettes”. 


Understanding Chinese consumers' safety perceptions of dairy products: a qualitative study

Based on qualitative research focused on consumers in China, this open access article aims to understand and provide information on consumer perception of food safety in dairy products.


Exploring the food value chain using open innovation: a bibliometric review of the literature

This open access article reviews the literature, foundational works and current trends related to the adoption of open innovation (OI) practices in the food industry.


Latest content

Take a look at our most recently published content on this topic.

Green supply chain management and innovation persistence–Based on environmental turbulence perspective

Investigates the issue of green supply chain management (GSCM) and innovation persistence in the context of an increasingly harsh ecological environment.


Challenges and Perspectives for Food and Agriculture in Urbanized Societies in the 21st Century: An Introduction

This book chapter forms part of Food and Agriculture in Urbanized Societies: Pathways for a Better Future in our Research in Rural Sociology and Development series.


How the construal of power impacts healthy food preference: the mediating role of self-discipline perception

Divides power into dual construal (responsibility vs opportunity) and aims to examine the differential impacts of the construal of power on healthy food preference.


Effectiveness of environmental claims in preventing food waste: exploring consumer perspectives toward suboptimal food

Explores whether firms' communication of suboptimal food information to reduce food waste affects consumer perceptions and behaviors based on social exchange theory.


Browse environment and food content

Key journals within this topic

We have a broad range of journals containing content relevant to environment and food. Here are some of our key journals in this area. 

British Food Journal

British Food Journal

An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research.

International Journal of Energy Sector Management

International Journal of Energy Sector Management

A platform for research on all subjects covering the management of the energy sector.

Management of Environmental Quality

Management of Environmental Quality

An international forum designed to examine factors that impact the environment, their consequences, and how to manage them.

Nutrition & Food Science

Nutrition & Food Science

An international, double blind peer-reviewed journal offering accessible and comprehensive coverage of food, beverage and nutrition research.

Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies

Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies

Publishes quality research on issues relevant to agriculture and food value chain in emerging economies in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

A sample of the books in this topic

Below is a selection of recent books from our broad range of content in the area of environment and food.  

SDG15 - Life on Land

SDG15 - Life on Land

This book seeks to demonstrate how ‘SDG15 – Life on Land’ can be implemented through effective biodiversity management, mainstreaming strategies and proposing solutions to achieve the goals.

Disaster Management

Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

A combined analysis of all the chapters provides an interesting summary and information for creating disaster management policies for improved results in SSA. With an extensive glossary of terms and index, the book lends itself to specialized academics and students, but also to disaster management policy makers and practitioners.

Water Management and Sustainability in Asia

Water Management and Sustainability in Asia

Covers topics related to water resources management, including multi- and interdisciplinary research on flood, soil infiltration, contaminants, sediment, water quality, hydrological modelling, and water resources systems.

The Academic Language of Climate Change

The Academic Language of Climate Change

Offering an interdisciplinary introduction to climate change and its intersection with numerous industries and facets of life, this book provides a necessary and welcome introduction for undergraduate and graduate students, and any non-native English speakers seeking to engage with climate change research.

SDG14 - Life Below Water

SDG14 - Life Below Water

Describes the dependence of human beings on shore and marine resources and highlights how oceanic life sustains the livelihoods of people living in coastal areas, affects global economy and plays a significant role for making earth habitable.

How to access content

Our Research Pass token system allows you to purchase and use tokens as and when you need them to access content to enhance learning and development, inform decision making and support your projects

Use tokens to access any published journal articles and book chapters on Emerald’s Insight platform. 1 token = one article/chapter. Accessed content can then be viewed for 24 hours by multiple users in your organisation.

1 Tokens Decide how many tokens your organisation needs – choose from 100, 250, 500, 1,000 or 2,000 – and purchase via your regional Emerald representative.
2 Activation We'll set up and activate profile(s) on Emerald Insight – our online content platform – for you and the members of your team who need to access content.
3 Search Search all currently published eJournal and eBook content, and use a token to access the articles and chapters you and your team need.

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