Building the Future of Tourism book cover

Building the Future of Tourism examines key issues around the social, environmental, cultural heritage, marketing management, and technological aspects of the global tourism and hospitality industry.

Aims and scope

Building the Future of Tourism is a forum for cutting-edge insights into the latest developments in tourism research. 

The series publishes both monographs and edited volumes, addressing critical issues in the evolution of the tourism sector from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. With a focus on enhancing the resilience and sustainability of tourism, travel, and hospitality, these works delve into a broad range of topics, including the social, environmental, and cultural dimensions of the industry, as well as marketing management and technological innovations.

The series also seeks to provide comprehensive strategies for addressing potential risks and uncertainties within the industry. Through a combination of policy analysis, planning frameworks, and practical solutions, it aims to offer valuable insights for mitigating damage and fostering recovery. While the series acknowledges the challenges posed by recent global crises, its broader aim is to equip scholars, practitioners, and industry professionals with the knowledge needed to navigate future challenges and seize emerging opportunities in the tourism sector.

This title is aligned with our responsible management goal

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
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