Call for Papers - International Journal of Public Leadership

The International Journal of Public Leadership (IJPL) is welcoming the submission of papers. 

The International Journal of Public Leadership is a multi-disciplinary journal that draws together the best international research and lived experiences of leadership in the public sphere. The journal provides a dedicated forum for the exchange of ideas and insights on leadership in the challenging contexts of government, politics and civil society.

Previously published as The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, IJPL welcomes the submission of papers from researchers and leaders internationally across public services, employing a wide range of research methods. The journal welcomes research papers with a focus on public leadership across the local, regional, state and national levels of government, from all nations and world regions, and in cross-sector and non-governmental organizations. Research is invited on the varied dimensions of public leadership, including but not limited to: 

  • Strategy
  • Community engagement
  • Organizational culture
  • Performance management
  • Ethics
  • Organizational change
  • Institutional re-design
  • Health and politics. 

Papers published in IJPL are double blind peer-reviewed.

IJPL offers value to those involved in leadership and those researching the complexities of leadership. It is a valuable source of information for:

  • Researchers and students in schools of public management, public policy, public affairs and public administration, as well as other disciplines.
  • Chief executives, directors and managers, and others holding public leadership roles.
  • Practitioners in public health, social care organizations, education, local authorities, local and national government, public/private sector collaborations, voluntary services, third sector and social enterprises, and the police and fire services.

Submission Guidelines

To submit your research, please visit the journal’s ScholarOne website:

In preparing papers, authors are asked to follow the standard IJPL Author Guidelines, which are available here.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact IJPL’s Editor, Dr Tim Mau ([email protected]), or the journal’s Publisher, Hazel Goodes ([email protected]).