The librarian

Getting to the heart of the most important topics impacting academic libraries today.

This page is designed to shine a light on key themes, trends, and challenges for library and information professionals. You can expect to find discussion topics that tackle traditional LIS subjects as well as emerging developments impacting academic libraries today.

To help us frame the topics and provide a starting point for discussion, we're drawing on Emerald's LIS journal and book content. All featured content will be made freely available whilst the topic remains open so take advantage.

Feel free to make suggestions for new topics – you’re the experts!

Current LIS topic

What are we talking about right now?

Social divisions

This month’s articles focus on social divisions, such as economic, digital, and demographic, with regard to ethnic minorities and multilingual information access. The articles also analyse how libraries help mitigate such divisions in their environments.

Free content

Igarashi, T., Koizumi, M. and Widdersheim, M.M. (2023), "Overcoming social divisions with the public library", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 79 No. 1, pp. 52-65.

Wu, D., Fan, S., Yao, S. and Xu, S. (2023), "An exploration of ethnic minorities' needs for multilingual information access of public digital cultural services", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 79 No. 1, pp. 1-20.

Mushtaq, A. and Arshad, A. (2022), "Public library use, demographic differences in library use and users' perceptions of library resources, services and place", Library Management, Vol. 43 No. 8-9, pp. 563-576.

 Questions to consider

  • How can libraries reduce social divisions?

Please share your thoughts. The articles are free to access until 1st November 2023.

Previous topics

(Please note that this content is no longer freely available)

The following article investigates the extent and effects of digital distraction while reading on screens with a special focus on multitasking.

Reading in the age of digital distraction

The following articles dive into the research and findings regarding learning processes and enculturation, analysing what’s working for students and university professionals, drawing examples on modes of soft skills learning from Pakistan.

School enculturation discourse: a meta synthesis from research in the learning sciences

The effects of topic familiarity on college students' learning search process

Modes of soft skills learning: a case of university information professionals’ in Pakistan

This month’s articles highlight the discussion around the use of mobile technologies and AI in higher educational institutions and their libraries, drawing examples from Hong Kong and Japan.

Adoption of mobile library apps as learning tools in higher education: a tale between Hong Kong and Japan

The intelligent library: Thought leaders’ views on the likely impact of artificial intelligence on academic libraries

Drawing from different realities, this month’s articles delve into anti-racism and libraries. From systemic change and racial capitalism to how to educate on anti-racism in academic libraries, the three articles offer remarkable examples of the fundamental role libraries hold in implementing change and guaranteeing equality in their environment.

“You can't read your way out of racism”: creating anti-racist action out of education in an academic library

Not a token! A discussion on racial capitalism and its impact on academic librarians and libraries

Whiteness from the top down: systemic change as antiracist action in LIS

“Preservation is an ongoing human concern that is essential for complex systems of social organization, but its systematic study and development as a field of professional practice is a recent development.” (Lischer-Katz, Z. 2022)

The emergence of digital reformatting in the history of preservation knowledge: 1823–2015

Archiving experience: an exploration of the challenges of preserving virtual reality

University libraries face many challenges in our contemporary digital era. This study published in the Digital Library Perspectives journal examines the performance of e-services quality in a state university library, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of digitalising library data and collections.

Assessment of e-service quality performance of university libraries

A recent study conducted by Joo and Schmidt, and published in the Digital Library Perspectives journal, explores the way how research data services are perceived by academic librarians.

Research data services from the perspective of academic librarians

A recent study conducted by Joo and Schmidt, and published in the Digital Library Perspectives journal, explores the way how research data services are perceived by academic librarians.

Research data services from the perspective of academic librarians

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