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Advances in Dual Diagnosis (ADD) offers peer-reviewed, practical and thought-provoking content and a forum for topical debate on dual diagnosis (co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders) - including complex needs.

ISSN: 1757-0972
eISSN: 2042-8324

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

Advances in Dual Diagnosis (ADD) is an international applied research journal offering peer-reviewed, practical and thought-provoking content and a forum for topical debate on dual diagnosis (co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders).

ADD welcomes submissions from academics, practitioners, educationalists, managers and policy makers and those who deliver services to people living with a dual diagnosis. We also welcome submissions from people and their carers with lived experience of dual diagnosis.

The journal includes:

  • Best practice
  • Case studies
  • Peer-reviewed research papers
  • Policy updates
  • Perspectives from those with lived experience and from their carers
  • Employment, training, education
  • International perspectives.

ADD is a vital resource for nurses, doctors, psychologists, social workers, policy makers, academics and other researchers, educationalists, universities, colleges, local authorities, carers, people with lived experience of dual diagnosis, and students. Unlike traditional research journals, ADD is read by practitioners and managers in health services, commissioning bodies, social care services, criminal justice systems and non-Government organizations (NGOs) and supports frontline workers in mental health and/or substance use services to deliver evidence-based practice.

The journal recognises current debate about the use of the term ‘dual diagnosis’, including international differences and different use of terminology in some research and clinical settings, and will consider content from mental health or addictions/substance use services (and others), providing that there is a focus on co-occurring conditions. We recognise that many services may focus on one or the other but acknowledge the impact of both. Special and topical issues also focus on other themes that intersect with co-occurring conditions and we welcome suggestions for new and innovative topics.

The Editor-in-Chief is a member of the International Society of Addictions Editors and ADD endorses the ethical principles set out in the Farmington Consensus.

This title is aligned with our healthier lives goal

We understand the importance of a world that recognises and protects the most vulnerable and acknowledges the importance of a healthy mind as well as a healthy body.

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 3 Good health & well-being
SDG 6 Clean water & sanitation
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
Find out about our healthier lives goal