Emerald Publishing has announced its recent partnership with the National Association of Graduate Centers in Economics (ANPEC) to publish its EconomiA journal.
The open access journal, which was first published in 2000, started as the journal of the National Association of Graduate Centers in Economics (ANPEC) in Brazil. It is a double-blind peer review journal which aims to contribute to the development of the science of economics and its applications, as well as to improve communication between academic researchers, teachers and policy makers.
The journal has no commitments with any school of economic thought or specific areas of research and is guided solely by academic excellence.
The journal’s editorial team include Joaquim Andrade from the University of Brasilia as Editor-in-Chief, and Mauro Boianovsky from the University of Brasilia, Jose Angelo Divino from the Catholic University of Brasilia and Mauro Rodrigues from the University of São Paulo as co-editors.
EconomiA is published under a platinum Open Access arrangement, in that all charges for publishing an Open Access article in the journal are funded by the National Association of Graduate Centers in Economics (ANPEC). Therefore, there is no charge to the author.
To find out more about the journal and submit your research, visit: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/econ