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13th Women in Logistics Forum: International Conference

The International Journal of Logistics Management

The 13th Women in Logistics Forum will take place between the 13th-15th May in Gdańsk, Poland.

Key dates and deadlines

15.03.2025 Title of the paper, abstract (one page of A4) and 6 keywords. A reply will 
be sent in a week’s time confirming the acceptance or not of the abstract. 

30.03.2025 Communicating a decision to contributors*

30.04.2025 Submission of the final paper (note, that it will be published after post 
conference as a conference edition provided at least one of the authors 
will be presenting it personally or online) 

13.05.2025 Presentations of papers at 13th Women in Logistics Forum

Full call for papers

For the full call for papers, please follow this link.