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Congratulations to the Recipients of the JGM Best Paper Award at the Standing Track of Global Mobility at the 2024 EURAM Conference in Bath, United Kingdom, June 25-28.

Journal of Global Mobility

Winner: “Our Strengths Make the Dream Work: Cognitive Processing Abilities and Career Resource Endowment in Expatriate Dual Career Couples”
Nana Oye Blay, University of Bamberg. Germany 
Maike Andresen, University of Bamberg, Germany
Anh Nguyen, University of Bamberg, Germany

First Runner-Up: “When You Can’t Be Where You Want to Be: Inter-Identity Work of Globally Mobile Professionals“ 
Anoop Adhur Kutty, Aalto University, School of Business, Finland 
Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University School of Business, Finland 
Second Runner-Up: “Offshoring and the Mental Health of Onshore Employees” 
Robin John Clerckx, Hasselt University, Belgium
Bart Leten, KU Leuven, Belgium
Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Mark Vancauteren, Hasselt University, Belgium

The Editorial Team of JGM has acted as double-blind judges on the Award Panel. These papers will be presented at the initial JGM Best Paper Award Session of the Global Mobility Track at the 2024 EURAM Conference, June 25-28, 2024.