Journal of Global Mobility
Before you start
For queries relating to the status of your paper pre decision, please contact the Editor or Journal Editorial Office. For queries post acceptance, please contact the Supplier Project Manager. These details can be found in the Editorial Team section.
Author responsibilities
Our goal is to provide you with a professional and courteous experience at each stage of the review and publication process. There are also some responsibilities that sit with you as the author. Our expectation is that you will:
- Respond swiftly to any queries during the publication process.
- Be accountable for all aspects of your work. This includes investigating and resolving any questions about accuracy or research integrity.
- Treat communications between you and the journal editor as confidential until an editorial decision has been made.
- Read about our research ethics for authorship. These state that you must:
- Include anyone who has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the submission (anyone else involved in the paper should be listed in the acknowledgements).
- Exclude anyone who hasn’t contributed to the paper, or who has chosen not to be associated with the research.
- In accordance with COPE’s position statement on AI tools, Large Language Models cannot be credited with authorship as they are incapable of conceptualising a research design without human direction and cannot be accountable for the integrity, originality, and validity of the published work. The author(s) must describe the content created or modified as well as appropriately cite the name and version of the AI tool used; any additional works drawn on by the AI tool should also be appropriately cited and referenced. Standard tools that are used to improve spelling and grammar are not included within the parameters of this guidance. The Editor and Publisher reserve the right to determine whether the use of an AI tool is permissible.
- If your article involves human participants, you must ensure you have considered whether or not you require ethical approval for your research, and include this information as part of your submission. Find out more about informed consent.
Generative AI usage key principles
- Copywriting any part of an article using a generative AI tool/LLM would not be permissible, including the generation of the abstract or the literature review, for as per Emerald’s authorship criteria, the author(s) must be responsible for the work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity. In line with standard academic practice, however, Emerald permits the use of examples of generative AI for illustrative purposes as part of scholarly critique and discussion, with the exception of images created by AI tools or large-scale generative models; these examples must be appropriately flagged in the text and be fully cited and referenced in accordance with formatting requirements.
- The generation or reporting of results using a generative AI tool/LLM is not permissible, for as per Emerald’s authorship criteria, the author(s) must be responsible for the creation and interpretation of their work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity.
- The in-text reporting of statistics using a generative AI tool/LLM is not permissible due to concerns over the authenticity, integrity, and validity of the data produced, although the use of such a tool to aid in the analysis of the work would be permissible.
- Copy-editing an article using a generative AI tool/LLM in order to improve its language and readability would be permissible as this mirrors standard tools already employed to improve spelling and grammar, and uses existing author-created material, rather than generating wholly new content, while the author(s) remains responsible for the original work.
- The submission and publication of images created by AI tools or large-scale generative models is not permitted.
Research and publishing ethics
Our editors and employees work hard to ensure the content we publish is ethically sound. To help us achieve that goal, we closely follow the advice laid out in the guidelines and flowcharts on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) website.
We have also developed our research and publishing ethics guidelines. If you haven’t already read these, we urge you to do so – they will help you avoid the most common publishing ethics issues.
A few key points:
- Any manuscript you submit to this journal should be original. That means it should not have been published before in its current, or similar, form. Exceptions to this rule are outlined in our pre-print and conference paper policies. If any substantial element of your paper has been previously published, you need to declare this to the journal editor upon submission. Please note, the journal editor may use Crossref Similarity Check to check on the originality of submissions received. This service compares submissions against a database of 49 million works from 800 scholarly publishers.
- Your work should not have been submitted elsewhere and should not be under consideration by any other publication.
- If you have a conflict of interest, you must declare it upon submission; this allows the editor to decide how they would like to proceed. Read about conflict of interest in our research and publishing ethics guidelines.
- By submitting your work to Emerald, you are guaranteeing that the work is not in infringement of any existing copyright.
- If you have written about a company/individual/organisation in detail using information that is not publicly available, have spent time within that company/organisation, or the work features named/interviewed employees, you will need to clear permission by using the consent to publish form; please also see our permissions guidance for full details. If you have to clear permission with the company/individual/organisation, consent must be given either by the named individual in question or their representative, a board member of the company/organisation, or a HR department representative of the company/organisation.
- You have an ethical obligation and responsibility to conduct your research in adherence to national and international research ethics guidelines, as well as the ethical principles outlined by your discipline and any relevant authorities, and to be transparent about your research methods in such a way that all involved in the publication process may fairly and appropriately evaluate your work. For all research involving human participants, you must ensure that you have obtained informed consent, meaning that you must inform all participants in your work (or their legal representative) as to why the research is being conducted, whether their anonymity is protected, how their data will be stored and used, and whether there are any associated risks from participation in the study; the submitted work must confirm that informed consent was obtained and detail how this was addressed in accordance with our policy on informed consent.
- Where appropriate, you must provide an ethical statement within the submitted work confirming that your research received institutional and national (or international) ethical approval, and that it complies with all relevant guidelines and regulations for studies involving humans, whether that be data, individuals, or samples. Specifically, the statement should contain the name and location of the institutional ethics reviewing committee or review board, the approval number, the date of approval, and the details of the national or international guidelines that were followed, as well as any other relevant information. You should also include details of how the work adheres to relevant consent guidelines along with confirming that informed consent was secured for all participants. The details of these statements should ensure that author and participant anonymity is not compromised. Any work submitted without a suitable ethical statement and details of informed consent for all participants, where required, will be returned to the authors and will not be considered further until appropriate and clear documentation is provided. Emerald reserves the right to reject work without sufficient evidence of informed consent from human participants and ethical approval where required.
Third party copyright permissions
Prior to article submission, you need to ensure you’ve applied for, and received, written permission to use any material in your manuscript that has been created by a third party. Please note, we are unable to publish any article that still has permissions pending. The rights we require are:
- Non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the article or book chapter.
- Print and electronic rights.
- Worldwide English-language rights.
- To use the material for the life of the work. That means there should be no time restrictions on its re-use e.g. a one-year licence.
We are a member of the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) and participate in the STM permissions guidelines, a reciprocal free exchange of material with other STM publishers. In some cases, this may mean that you don’t need permission to re-use content. If so, please highlight this at the submission stage.
Please take a few moments to read our guide to publishing permissions to ensure you have met all the requirements, so that we can process your submission without delay.
Open access submissions and information
All our journals currently offer two open access (OA) publishing paths; gold open access and green open access.
If you would like to, or are required to, make the branded publisher PDF (also known as the version of record) freely available immediately upon publication, you can select the gold open access route once your paper is accepted.
If you’ve chosen to publish gold open access, this is the point you will be asked to pay the APC (article processing charge). This varies per journal and can be found on our APC price list or on the editorial system at the point of submission. Your article will be published with a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 user licence, which outlines how readers can reuse your work.
Alternatively, if you would like to, or are required to, publish open access but your funding doesn’t cover the cost of the APC, you can choose the green open access, or self-archiving, route. As soon as your article is published, you can make the author accepted manuscript (the version accepted for publication) openly available, free from payment and embargo periods.
You can find out more about our open access routes, our APCs and waivers and read our FAQs on our open research page.
Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines
We are a signatory of the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines, a framework that supports the reproducibility of research through the adoption of transparent research practices. That means we encourage you to:
- Cite and fully reference all data, program code, and other methods in your article.
- Include persistent identifiers, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), in references for datasets and program codes. Persistent identifiers ensure future access to unique published digital objects, such as a piece of text or datasets. Persistent identifiers are assigned to datasets by digital archives, such as institutional repositories and partners in the Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data-PASS).
- Follow appropriate international and national procedures with respect to data protection, rights to privacy and other ethical considerations, whenever you cite data. For further guidance please refer to our research and publishing ethics guidelines. For an example on how to cite datasets, please refer to the references section below.
Prepare your submission
Manuscript support services
We are pleased to partner with Editage, a platform that connects you with relevant experts in language support, translation, editing, visuals, consulting, and more. After you’ve agreed a fee, they will work with you to enhance your manuscript and get it submission-ready.
This is an optional service for authors who feel they need a little extra support. It does not guarantee your work will be accepted for review or publication.
Manuscript requirements
Before you submit your manuscript, it’s important you read and follow the guidelines below. You will also find some useful tips in our structure your journal submission how-to guide.
Format | Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format. While you are welcome to submit a PDF of the document alongside the Word file, PDFs alone are not acceptable. LaTeX files can also be used but only if an accompanying PDF document is provided. Acceptable figure file types are listed further below. |
Article length / word count | Articles should be between 5000 and 10000 words in length. This includes all text, for example, the structured abstract, references, all text in tables, and figures and appendices. Please allow 250 words for each figure or table. |
Article title | A concisely worded title should be provided. |
Author details | The names of all contributing authors should be added to the ScholarOne submission; please list them in the order in which you’d like them to be published. Each contributing author will need their own ScholarOne author account, from which we will extract the following details:
In multi-authored papers, it’s important that ALL authors that have made a significant contribution to the paper are listed. Those who have provided support but have not contributed to the research should be featured in an acknowledgements section. You should never include people who have not contributed to the paper or who don’t want to be associated with the research. Read about our research ethics for authorship. |
Biographies and acknowledgements | If you want to include these items, save them in a separate Microsoft Word document and upload the file with your submission. Where they are included, a brief professional biography of not more than 100 words should be supplied for each named author. |
Research funding | Your article must reference all sources of external research funding in the acknowledgements section. You should describe the role of the funder or financial sponsor in the entire research process, from study design to submission. |
Structured abstract | All submissions must include a structured abstract, following the format outlined below. These four sub-headings and their accompanying explanations must always be included:
The following three sub-headings are optional and can be included, if applicable:
The maximum length of your abstract should be 250 words in total, including keywords and article classification (see the sections below). |
Keywords | Your submission should include up to 12 appropriate and short keywords that capture the principal topics of the paper. Our Creating an SEO-friendly manuscript how to guide contains some practical guidance on choosing search-engine friendly keywords. Please note, while we will always try to use the keywords you’ve suggested, the in-house editorial team may replace some of them with matching terms to ensure consistency across publications and improve your article’s visibility. |
Article classification | During the submission process, you will be asked to select a type for your paper; the options are listed below. If you don’t see an exact match, please choose the best fit:
You will also be asked to select a category for your paper. The options for this are listed below. If you don’t see an exact match, please choose the best fit: Research paper. Reports on any type of research undertaken by the author(s), including:
Viewpoint. Covers any paper where content is dependent on the author's opinion and interpretation. This includes journalistic and magazine-style pieces. Technical paper. Describes and evaluates technical products, processes or services. Conceptual paper. Focuses on developing hypotheses and is usually discursive. Covers philosophical discussions and comparative studies of other authors’ work and thinking. Case study. Describes actual interventions or experiences within organizations. It can be subjective and doesn’t generally report on research. Also covers a description of a legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching exercise. Literature review. This category should only be used if the main purpose of the paper is to annotate and/or critique the literature in a particular field. It could be a selective bibliography providing advice on information sources, or the paper may aim to cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views. General review. Provides an overview or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomenon. Papers are likely to be more descriptive or instructional (‘how to’ papers) than discursive. |
Headings | Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the required hierarchy. The preferred format is for first level headings to be in bold, and subsequent sub-headings to be in medium italics. |
Notes/endnotes | Notes or endnotes should only be used if absolutely necessary. They should be identified in the text by consecutive numbers enclosed in square brackets. These numbers should then be listed, and explained, at the end of the article. |
Figures | All figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, webpages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be submitted electronically. Both colour and black and white files are accepted.
Tables | Tables should be typed and submitted in a separate file to the main body of the article. The position of each table should be clearly labelled in the main body of the article with corresponding labels clearly shown in the table file. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals (e.g. I, II, etc.). Give each table a brief title. Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items and have explanations displayed as footnotes to the table, figure or plate. |
Supplementary files | Where tables, figures, appendices, and other additional content are supplementary to the article but not critical to the reader’s understanding of it, you can choose to host these supplementary files alongside your article on Insight, Emerald’s content-hosting platform (this is Emerald's recommended option as we are able to ensure the data remain accessible), or on an alternative trusted online repository. All supplementary material must be submitted prior to acceptance. Emerald recommends that authors use the following two lists when searching for a suitable and trusted repository: If you choose to host your supplementary files on Insight, you must submit these as separate files alongside your article. Files should be clearly labelled in such a way that makes it clear they are supplementary; Emerald recommends that the file name is descriptive and that it follows the format ‘Supplementary_material_appendix_1’ or ‘Supplementary tables’. All supplementary material must be mentioned at the appropriate moment in the main text of the article; there is no need to include the content of the file only the file name. A link to the supplementary material will be added to the article during production, and the material will be made available alongside the main text of the article at the point of EarlyCite publication. Please note that Emerald will not make any changes to the material; it will not be copy-edited or typeset, and authors will not receive proofs of this content. Emerald therefore strongly recommends that you style all supplementary material ahead of acceptance of the article. Emerald Insight can host the following file types and extensions:
If you choose to use an alternative trusted online repository, you should ensure that the supplementary material is hosted on the repository ahead of submission, and then include a link only to the repository within the article. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure that the material is free to access and that it remains permanently available. Where an alternative trusted online repository is used, the files hosted should always be presented as read-only; please be aware that such usage risks compromising your anonymity during the review process if the repository contains any information that may enable the reviewer to identify you; as such, we recommend that all links to alternative repositories are reviewed carefully prior to submission. Please note that extensive supplementary material may be subject to peer review; this is at the discretion of the journal Editor and dependent on the content of the material (for example, whether including it would support the reviewer making a decision on the article during the peer review process). |
References | All references in your manuscript must be formatted using one of the recognised Harvard styles. You are welcome to use the Harvard style Emerald has adopted – we’ve provided a detailed guide below. Want to use a different Harvard style? That’s fine, our typesetters will make any necessary changes to your manuscript if it is accepted. Please ensure you check all your citations for completeness, accuracy and consistency. Emerald’s Harvard referencing style References to other publications in your text should be written as follows:
A few other style points. These apply to both the main body of text and your final list of references.
At the end of your paper, please supply a reference list in alphabetical order using the style guidelines below. Where a DOI is available, this should be included at the end of the reference. |
For books | Surname, initials (year), title of book, publisher, place of publication. e.g. Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. |
For book chapters | Surname, initials (year), "chapter title", editor's surname, initials (Ed.), title of book, publisher, place of publication, page numbers. e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice – a continuum", Stankosky, M. (Ed.), Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management, Elsevier, New York, NY, pp.15-20. |
For journals | Surname, initials (year), "title of article", journal name, volume issue, page numbers. e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp.72-80. |
For published conference proceedings | Surname, initials (year of publication), "title of paper", in editor’s surname, initials (Ed.), title of published proceeding which may include place and date(s) held, publisher, place of publication, page numbers. e.g. Wilde, S. and Cox, C. (2008), “Principal factors contributing to the competitiveness of tourism destinations at varying stages of development”, in Richardson, S., Fredline, L., Patiar A., & Ternel, M. (Ed.s), CAUTHE 2008: Where the 'bloody hell' are we?, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld, pp.115-118. |
For unpublished conference proceedings | Surname, initials (year), "title of paper", paper presented at [name of conference], [date of conference], [place of conference], available at: URL if freely available on the internet (accessed date). e.g. Aumueller, D. (2005), "Semantic authoring and retrieval within a wiki", paper presented at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), 29 May-1 June, Heraklion, Crete, available at: http://dbs.uni-leipzig.de/file/aumueller05wiksar.pdf (accessed 20 February 2007). |
For working papers | Surname, initials (year), "title of article", working paper [number if available], institution or organization, place of organization, date. e.g. Moizer, P. (2003), "How published academic research can inform policy decisions: the case of mandatory rotation of audit appointments", working paper, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, 28 March. |
For encyclopaedia entries (with no author or editor) | Title of encyclopaedia (year), "title of entry", volume, edition, title of encyclopaedia, publisher, place of publication, page numbers. e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1926), "Psychology of culture contact", Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp.765-771. (for authored entries, please refer to book chapter guidelines above) |
For newspaper articles (authored) | Surname, initials (year), "article title", newspaper, date, page numbers. e.g. Smith, A. (2008), "Money for old rope", Daily News, 21 January, pp.1, 3-4. |
For newspaper articles (non-authored) | Newspaper (year), "article title", date, page numbers. e.g. Daily News (2008), "Small change", 2 February, p.7. |
For archival or other unpublished sources | Surname, initials (year), "title of document", unpublished manuscript, collection name, inventory record, name of archive, location of archive. e.g. Litman, S. (1902), "Mechanism & Technique of Commerce", unpublished manuscript, Simon Litman Papers, Record series 9/5/29 Box 3, University of Illinois Archives, Urbana-Champaign, IL. |
For electronic sources | If available online, the full URL should be supplied at the end of the reference, as well as the date that the resource was accessed. Surname, initials (year), “title of electronic source”, available at: persistent URL (accessed date month year). e.g. Weida, S. and Stolley, K. (2013), “Developing strong thesis statements”, available at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/1/ (accessed 20 June 2018) Standalone URLs, i.e. those without an author or date, should be included either inside parentheses within the main text, or preferably set as a note (Roman numeral within square brackets within text followed by the full URL address at the end of the paper). |
For data | Surname, initials (year), title of dataset, name of data repository, available at: persistent URL, (accessed date month year). e.g. Campbell, A. and Kahn, R.L. (2015), American National Election Study, 1948, ICPSR07218-v4, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (distributor), Ann Arbor, MI, available at: https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR07218.v4 (accessed 20 June 2018) |
Submit your manuscript
There are a number of key steps you should follow to ensure a smooth and trouble-free submission.
Double check your manuscript
Before submitting your work, it is your responsibility to check that the manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and without spelling or typographical errors. A few other important points:
- Give the journal aims and scope a final read. Is your manuscript definitely a good fit? If it isn’t, the editor may decline it without peer review.
- Does your manuscript comply with our research and publishing ethics guidelines?
- Have you cleared any necessary publishing permissions?
- Have you followed all the formatting requirements laid out in these author guidelines?
- Does the manuscript contain any information that might help the reviewer identify you? This could compromise the anonymous peer review process. A few tips:
- If you need to refer to your own work, use wording such as ‘previous research has demonstrated’ not ‘our previous research has demonstrated’.
- If you need to refer to your own, currently unpublished work, don’t include this work in the reference list.
- Any acknowledgments or author biographies should be uploaded as separate files.
- Carry out a final check to ensure that no author names appear anywhere in the manuscript. This includes in figures or captions.
You will find a helpful submission checklist on the website Think.Check.Submit.
The submission process
All manuscripts should be submitted through our editorial system by the corresponding author.
The only way to submit to the journal is through the journal’s ScholarOne site as accessed via the Emerald website, and not by email or through any third-party agent/company, journal representative, or website. Submissions should be done directly by the author(s) through the ScholarOne site and not via a third-party proxy on their behalf.
A separate author account is required for each journal you submit to. If this is your first time submitting to this journal, please choose the Create an account or Register now option in the editorial system. If you already have an Emerald login, you are welcome to reuse the existing username and password here.
Please note, the next time you log into the system, you will be asked for your username. This will be the email address you entered when you set up your account.
Don't forget to add your ORCiD ID during the submission process. It will be embedded in your published article, along with a link to the ORCiD registry allowing others to easily match you with your work.
Don’t have one yet? It only takes a few moments to register for a free ORCiD identifier.
Visit the ScholarOne support centre for further help and guidance.
What you can expect next
You will receive an automated email from the journal editor, confirming your successful submission. It will provide you with a manuscript number, which will be used in all future correspondence about your submission. If you have any reason to suspect the confirmation email you receive might be fraudulent, please contact the journal editor in the first instance.
Post submission
Review and decision process
Each submission is checked by the editor. At this stage, they may choose to decline or unsubmit your manuscript if it doesn’t fit the journal aims and scope, or they feel the language/manuscript quality is too low.
If they think it might be suitable for the publication, they will send it to at least two independent referees for double anonymous peer review. Once these reviewers have provided their feedback, the editor may decide to accept your manuscript, request minor or major revisions, or decline your work.
While all journals work to different timescales, the goal is that the editor will inform you of their first decision within 60 days.
During this period, we will send you automated updates on the progress of your manuscript via our submission system, or you can log in to check on the current status of your paper. Each time we contact you, we will quote the manuscript number you were given at the point of submission. If you receive an email that does not match these criteria, it could be fraudulent and we recommend you contact the journal editor in the first instance.
Manuscript transfer service
Emerald’s manuscript transfer service takes the pain out of the submission process if your manuscript doesn’t fit your initial journal choice. Our team of expert Editors from participating journals work together to identify alternative journals that better align with your research, ensuring your work finds the ideal publication home it deserves. Our dedicated team is committed to supporting authors like you in finding the right home for your research.
If a journal is participating in the manuscript transfer program, the Editor has the option to recommend your paper for transfer. If a transfer decision is made by the Editor, you will receive an email with the details of the recommended journal and the option to accept or reject the transfer. It’s always down to you as the author to decide if you’d like to accept. If you do accept, your paper and any reviewer reports will automatically be transferred to the recommended journals. Authors will then confirm resubmissions in the new journal’s ScholarOne system.
Our Manuscript Transfer Service page has more information on the process.
If your submission is accepted
Open access
Once your paper is accepted, you will have the opportunity to indicate whether you would like to publish your paper via the gold open access route.
If you’ve chosen to publish gold open access, this is the point you will be asked to pay the APC (article processing charge). This varies per journal and can be found on our APC price list or on the editorial system at the point of submission. Your article will be published with a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 user licence, which outlines how readers can reuse your work.
For UK journal article authors - if you wish to submit your work accepted by Emerald to REF 2021, you must make a ‘closed deposit’ of your accepted manuscript to your respective institutional repository upon acceptance of your article. Articles accepted for publication after 1st April 2018 should be deposited as soon as possible, but no later than three months after the acceptance date. For further information and guidance, please refer to the REF 2021 website.
All accepted authors are sent an email with a link to a licence form. This should be checked for accuracy, for example whether contact and affiliation details are up to date and your name is spelled correctly, and then returned to us electronically. If there is a reason why you can’t assign copyright to us, you should discuss this with your journal content editor. You will find their contact details on the editorial team section above.
Proofing and typesetting
Once we have received your completed licence form, the article will pass directly into the production process. We will carry out editorial checks, copyediting, and typesetting and then return proofs to you (if you are the corresponding author) for your review. This is your opportunity to correct any typographical errors, grammatical errors or incorrect author details. We can’t accept requests to rewrite texts at this stage.
When the page proofs are finalised, the fully typeset and proofed version of record is published online. This is referred to as the EarlyCite version. While an EarlyCite article has yet to be assigned to a volume or issue, it does have a digital object identifier (DOI) and is fully citable. It will be compiled into an issue according to the journal’s issue schedule, with papers being added by chronological date of publication.
How to share your paper
Visit our author rights page to find out how you can reuse and share your work.
To find tips on increasing the visibility of your published paper, read about how to promote your work.
Correcting inaccuracies in your published paper
Sometimes errors are made during the research, writing and publishing processes. When these issues arise, we have the option of withdrawing the paper or introducing a correction notice. Find out more about our article withdrawal and correction policies.
Need to make a change to the author list? See our frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.
Frequently asked questions
Is there a submission fee for the journal? | The only time we will ever ask you for money to publish in an Emerald journal is if you have chosen to publish via the gold open access route. You will be asked to pay an APC (article-processing charge) once your paper has been accepted (unless it is a sponsored open access journal), and never at submission. At no other time will you be asked to contribute financially towards your article’s publication, processing, or review. If you haven’t chosen gold open access and you receive an email that appears to be from Emerald, the journal, or a third party, asking you for payment to publish, please contact our support team via [email protected]. |
How can I become a reviewer for a journal? | Please contact the editor for the journal, with a copy of your CV. You will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page. |
Who do I contact if I want to find out which volume and issue my accepted paper will appear in? | Typically, papers are added to an issue according to their date of publication. If you would like to know in advance which issue your paper will appear in, please contact the content editor of the journal. You will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page. Once your paper has been published in an issue, you will be notified by email. |
Who do I contact if I have a query about my submission? | Please email the journal editor – you will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page. If you ever suspect an email you’ve received from Emerald might not be genuine, you are welcome to verify it with the content editor for the journal, whose contact details can be found on the editorial team tab on this page. |
Is my paper suitable for the journal? | If you’ve read the aims and scope on the journal landing page and are still unsure whether your paper is suitable for the journal, please email the editor and include your paper's title and structured abstract. They will be able to advise on your manuscript’s suitability. You will find their contact details on the Editorial team tab on this page. |
How do I make a change to the list of authors once the manuscript has been submitted? | Authorship and the order in which the authors are listed on the paper should be agreed prior to submission. We have a right first time policy on this and no changes can be made to the list once submitted. If you have made an error in the submission process, please email the Journal Editorial Office who will look into your request – you will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page. |
Aarhus University - Denmark
[email protected]
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Aarhus University - Denmark
[email protected]
Editorial Assistant
Igamix Management and Consulting Ltd - Macau
[email protected]
Associate Editor
Concordia University - Canada
WU Vienna - Austria
David S. A.
University of South-Eastern Norway - Norway
Luisa Helena
University of Porto - Portugal
University of Oklahoma - USA
TU Dresden - Germany
Emerald Publishing - UK
[email protected]
Journal Editorial Office (For queries related to pre-acceptance)
Emerald Publishing
[email protected]
Supplier Project Manager (For queries related to post-acceptance)
Emerald Publishing
[email protected]
Editorial Advisory Board
Nancy J.
McGill University - Canada
University of Bamberg - Germany
J. Stewart
University of Reading - UK
Northeastern University - USA
ESSEC Business School - France
Trinity College Dublin - Ireland
De Cieri
Monash University - Australia
Angelo S.
Tulane University - USA
Cranfield University - UK
Illinois State University - USA
University of Technology Sydney - Australia
Fabian J.
University of Göttingen - Germany
Hal B.
Middlesex University - UK
Markus G
MCI Management Center Innsbruck - Austria
Mila B.
Simon Fraser University - Canada
WU Vienna - Austria
Mark E.
University of Tennessee - USA
California State University - USA
Joyce S.
San Jose State University - USA
IESE Business School - Spain
Curtin University - Australia
University of Hull - UK
Ohio State University - USA
Günter K.
WU Vienna - Austria
University of Vaasa - Finland
University of Texas at Dallas - USA
Pace University - USA
Stockholm University - Sweden
Rosalie L.
Simon Fraser University - Canada
California Lutheran University - USA
Charles M.
Loyola Marymount University - USA
Nancy J.
Editorial Review Board
Royal Holloway, University of London - UK
Aarhus University - Denmark
Marian van
University of Southern Denmark - Denmark
New Mexico State University - USA
University of Limerick - Ireland
University of Manitoba - Canada
ICN Business School - France
Oxford Brookes University - UK
Georgia Institute of Technology - USA
The University of Auckland - New Zealand
Maynooth University - Ireland
University of Zagreb - Croatia
University of Liverpool - UK
FSES - Universite de Fribourg - Switzerland
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire - USA
Eastern Kentucky University - USA
RMIT University - Australia
University of Reading - UK
University of Iceland - Iceland
University of Reading - UK
University of Dayton - USA
University of Portsmouth - UK
Concordia University - Canada
Griffith University - Australia
San Francisco State University - USA
Université de Montréal - Canada
University of Auckland - New Zealand
University of Queensland - Australia
University of Auckland Business School - New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology - New Zealand
Glasgow Caledonian University - UK
ESADE Business School - Spain
University of Ottawa - Canada
Australian Institute of Business - Australia
Hiroshima University - Japan
Deakin University - Australia
Cranfield University - UK
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) - Switzerland
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg - Germany
University of Westminster - UK
Massey University - New Zealand
ANA - Australia
American University in Dubai - UAE
University of Newcastle - Australia
Keio University - Japan
Victoria University of Wellington - New Zealand
Cherrie Jiuhua
Monash University - Australia
York University - Canada
Citation metrics
CiteScore 2023
CiteScore 2023
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CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals.
Calculating the CiteScore is based on the number of citations to documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters, and data papers) by a journal over four years, divided by the number of the same document types indexed in Scopus and published in those same four years.
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CiteScore Tracker 2024
(updated monthly)
CiteScore Tracker 2024
(updated monthly)
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CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals.
CiteScore Tracker is calculated in the same way as CiteScore, but for the current year rather than previous, complete years.
The CiteScore Tracker calculation is updated every month, as a current indication of a title's performance.
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2023 Impact Factor
2023 Impact Factor
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The Journal Impact Factor is published each year by Clarivate Analytics. It is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a particular journal is cited during the preceding two years.
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5-year Impact Factor (2023)
5-year Impact Factor (2023)
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A base of five years may be more appropriate for journals in certain fields because the body of citations may not be large enough to make reasonable comparisons, or it may take longer than two years to publish and distribute leading to a longer period before others cite the work.
Actual value is intentionally only displayed for the most recent year. Earlier values are available in the Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate Analytics.
Publication timeline
Time to first decision
Time to first decision
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Time to first decision, expressed in days, the "first decision" occurs when the journal’s editorial team reviews the peer reviewers’ comments and recommendations. Based on this feedback, they decide whether to accept, reject, or request revisions for the manuscript.
Data is taken from submissions between 1st June 2023 and 31st May 2024
Acceptance to publication
Acceptance to publication
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Acceptance to publication, expressed in days, is the average time between when the journal’s editorial team decide whether to accept, reject, or request revisions for the manuscript and the date of publication in the journal.
Data is taken from the previous 12 months (Last updated July 2024)
Acceptance rate
Acceptance rate
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The acceptance rate is a measurement of how many manuscripts a journal accepts for publication compared to the total number of manuscripts submitted expressed as a percentage %
Data is taken from submissions between 1st June 2023 and 31st May 2024.
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This figure is the total amount of downloads for all articles published early cite in the last 12 months
(Last updated: July 2024)
This journal is abstracted and indexed by
- ABI/INFORM Complete
- ABI/Professional Advanced (ProQuest)
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- Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing
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- VHB Publication Media Rating 2024 (Germany) - Level C
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Peer review process
This journal engages in a double-anonymous peer review process, which strives to match the expertise of a reviewer with the submitted manuscript. Reviews are completed with evidence of thoughtful engagement with the manuscript, provide constructive feedback, and add value to the overall knowledge and information presented in the manuscript.
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Calls for papers
Journal of Global Mobility
Submit your paper here! Introduction “Everything about nothing” and “nothing about everything” could be the drastic characterization of quantitat...
The JGM BitBlog: Why are you moving there? Spanish SIEs’ host destinations-factors and motivations.
Maria Rita Blanco, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, SpainMariela Golik, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, San Martin, ArgentinaAn increasing number of professionals self-initiate...
The JGM BitBlog: Beyond the Checklist - The Hidden Key to Expatriate Success We Often Overlook
Ashneet Kaur, S P Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India Sudhanshu Maheshwari, S P Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India Arup Varma...
The JGM BitBlog: Disillusioned and disappointed? Matching qualifications and employment for migrant women.
Phyllis Tharenou, Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Skilled migrant (SM) women provide an essential source of employees for the healthcare and education workforces of advanced economies...
The JGM BitBlog: Expatriate Interpersonal Capital Accumulation and Expatriate Effectiveness.
Chun-Hsiao Wang, National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan Yu-Ping Chen, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Expatriates are important human capital for multination...
The JGM BitBlog: Lost in Translation - The Unseen Career Costs of International Assignments
Ramsin Yakob, University of Gothenburg, School of Business Economics and Law, Gothenburg, Sweden Many repatriates continue to find their international experiences undervalued upon returning home. This undervalua...
The JGM BitBlog: Dual-career partner’s voices and experiences to engage in career opt-out and/or interruption in support of a partner’s international assignment
Tania Nery-Kjerfve, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, United States Daiane Polesello, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, United States Expatriate research mostly adop...
The JGM BitBlog: Africa - The New African Lions or the Old Dark Continent?
Betty Jane Punnett, University of the West Indies, St. Michael, Barbados Lemayon Melyoki, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Thomas Senaji, Th...
Thank you to the 2023 Reviewers of Journal of Global Mobility
The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2023 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high...
The JGM BitBlog: Are you experienced and…(here for long)? Migrants’ pathways to successful careers abroad.
Agnieszka Nowinska, Aalborg University Business School, Aalborg, Denmark Marte C.W. Solheim, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway More and more people nowadays decide to le...
The JGM BitBlog: Both my work and my life matter when it comes to my self-initiated expatriate career satisfaction.
Yu-Ping Chen, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Yu-Shan Hsu, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Margaret Shaffer, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma...
The JGM BitBlog: Culture Shockwaves - The Emotional Challenges of Eurasian Self-Initiated Expatriates in Korea
Erhan Atay: Newcastle School of Business, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Serkan Bayraktaroglu: Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada ...
The JGM BitBlog: Does cultural intelligence really help in cross-cultural adjustment? Unraveling the link between the two using meta-analytic examination
Chhaya Mani Tripathi, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India Rahul Pratap Singh Kaurav, FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India Tripti Singh...
The JGM BitBlog: Diversity Management and Female SIEs in Japanese Firms
Chie Yorozu, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University, Japan To what extent does the widely adopted diversity management strategy of Japanese firms work for female self-initiated expatriates (SIEs)? Thi...
The JGM BitBlog: Expatriate Academics - what is known about them in the era of internationalization of academia?
Sylwia Przytuła, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland The last two decades of the 20th century were the "era of reforms" in the academy, focused on global science and global scientists. Internati...
The JGM BitBlog: The Cultural Novelty of CEO Experience and its Effect on Firm Performance
Meredith Downes, Illinois State University, Normal, United States. Alex J. Barelka, Illinois State University, Normal, United States. Do large multinational firms perform...
The JGM BitBlog: Do early international experiences boost the career capital of ATCKs?
Mireka Caselius, School of Management, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland Vesa Suutari, School of Management, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland The global mobility literature ...
The JGM BitBlog: International Business Travel - Flying High, For Now
Mina Westman, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Shoshi Chen, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Dov Eden, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israe...
The JGM BitBlog: Repatriates as real ‘cosmopolitanism’? The impact of community and social support on the reintegration process.
Lena Maria Fischer, University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany Marc Schwarzkopf, University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany The decision to send employees on international assi...
Congratulations to the Recipients of the JGM Best Paper Award at the Standing Track of Global Mobility at the 2024 EURAM Conference in Bath, United Kingdom, June 25-28.
Winner: “Our Strengths Make the Dream Work: Cognitive Processing Abilities and Career Resource Endowment in Expatriate Dual Career Couples” Nana Oye Blay, University of Bamberg. Germany ...
The JGM BitBlog: How Host Country Education and Professional Experience Impact Repatriation
Jason Ryan, California State University, San Bernardino, USA University degrees and international experience are often perceived as “universal lubricants” that enable frictionless movement between countr...
The JGM BitBlog: Exploring the Evolution of Expatriation Research
Maranda Ridgway: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK Hélène Langinier: University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France In an era marked by globalisation and rapid te...
The JGM BitBlog: Surprising paradox of the HR system for SIEs and Japanese firms?
Chie Yorozu, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan Why has the high turnover rate of self-initiated expatriates been a big issue in Japan? Japan currently welcomes foreign labour, with the number of foreign wor...
The JGM BitBlog: The Self-Determined Self-Initiated Adventurous Professionals: Unraveling Motivations, Basic Needs, and Well-Being Abroad
Aziz Madi, German-Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan Abdelrahim Alsoussi, German-Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan Omar M. Shubailat, German-Jordanian Univer...
The JGM BitBlog: Return of the Vikings! Expatriation policies at a Danish trading firm
Agnieszka Nowińska: Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark Jean-François Hennart: Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands and Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark Svetla ...
The JGM BitBlog: Workplace gender harassment of expatriates is not just “someone else’s problem”.
William Obenauer, The University of Maine, Maine, USA Shafagh Rezaei, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA The prevalence of workplace gender harassment has been w...
The JGM BitBlog: From crisis to everyday life - Navigating the reintegration process of crisis service employees.
Vita Glorieux, Royal Military Academy, Belgium & KU Leuven, Belgium Salvatore Lo Bue, Royal Military Academy, Belgium Martin Euwema, KU Leuven...
Thank you to the 2023 Reviewers of Journal of Global Mobility
The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2023 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high...
The JGM BitBlog: Beyond Income - Unveiling the Hidden Forces Shaping Global Mobility of Managers and Executives.
Arturo Bris, Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland. Shlomo Ben-Hur, Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland. José...
The JGM BitBlog: Bridging distance through zooming? Unveiling the effectiveness of virtual assignments.
Luisa Wicht, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Dirk Holtbrügge, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany The modern workplace has witnessed a signific...
The JGM BitBlog: Developing Cultural Agility - How Global Mobility Can Transform Your Company's International Game
Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University, Boston, United States In the rapidly globalizing world, the demand for culturally agile professionals, those who can effectively work in a cross-cultural context, ...
The JGM BitBlog: An Underappreciated Approach to Expatriate Adjustment and Success
Brigitte Armon, Morning Consult, Florida, United States Lisa A. Steelman, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida, United States Sarah Jensen, Florida Institut...
The JGM BitBlog: “Here comes the sun” - From Career to ‘Coreer’ for older women
Barbara Myers, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand Kaye Thorn, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand Let us set the scene - you are in your 50s or 60s, wo...
The JGM BitBlog: Reimagining the Future of Global Human Resources - A Thought-Provoking Analysis of SIHRM
Warren Stanley Patrick, XLRI Xavier School of Management, Jharkhand, India Jatinder Kumar Jha, XLRI Xavier School of Management, Jharkhand, India Kumari Gargee Sharma...
The JGM BitBlog: Are you a career rebel or a career conformist? Challenges and strategies of skilled migrants in local organizations
Ksenia Usanova, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Vlad Vaiman, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA. Jelena Zikic, York Univ...
The JGM BitBlog: Expatriate bubbles and their boundaries - An empirical study of Finnish expatriates
Tuomo Peltonen, Aalto University, Finland Sirkka-Liisa Huhtinen, University of Helsinki, Finland There is a growing widespread awareness of "expatriate bubbles" among research...
The JGM BitBlog: From Enclaves to Foam - The Changing Face of Migrant Communities in the Age of Networked Technologies
Selen Kars-Unluoglu, University of the West of England, United Kingdom Burcu Guneri Cangarli, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Oznur Yurt, Open University...
The JGM BitBlog: Expatriate Bubbles in Dubai - Global Inequalities Magnified
Henriett Primecz, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Linz, Austria Due to their temporary presence in a new social context, expatriates tend to attach to each other instead of integrating into local commu...
Thank you to the 2022 Reviewers of Journal of Global Mobility
The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2022 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high...
The JGM BitBlog: The Power of Connection - Why Trailing Spouses Need Social Networks More Than Ever
Judit Végh, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Andrea Dúll, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Lan Anh Nguyen Luu, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary ...
The JGM BitBlog: (Re)constructing work identities behind the scenes - the case of expatriate engineers
Vanda Papafilippou, University of West of England, Bristol, UK Christina Efthymiadou, University of West of England, Bristol, UK For at least two decades, the UK government and industry ha...
The JGM BitBlog: Popping the expatriate bubble - a metaphor for integration or separation?
Chengcheng Miao, University of Reading, Reading, UK Hugo Gaggiotti, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Chris Brewster, University of Reading, ...
The JGM BitBlog: Breaking out of the expatriate bubble in Denmark
Marian van Bakel, Syddansk Universitet, Slagelse, Denmark Charles M. Vance, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, USA Expatriates find Denmark one of the ...
The JGM BitBlog: The Political Side of Foreign Worker and Expatriate Insulation
Jason Ryan, California State University, San Bernardino, USA. Sari Silvanto, California State University, Dominguez Hills, USA. Do expatriates seclude themselves into insulated communities volunt...
The JGM BitBlog: A Dynamic Multi-Stage Model - How Conflicts between Expatriates and HCNs Emerge and Evolve
Longzhu Dong, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, USA Hong Ren, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA Tingting He, Governors State University, University Park, USA ...
Congratulations to the Recipients of the JGM Best Paper Award at the Standing Track of Global Mobility at the 2023 EURAM Conference in Dublin, Ireland, June 14-16.
Winner: “Understanding Split Family Expatriations: An Exploratory Study with Multiple Stakeholder Views” Rocio Alcazar, ESADE Business School / Ramon Llull University, Spain Daniela Noethen, ESADE Business School / Ramon ...
The JGM BitBlog: How do skilled racial minority migrant women achieve success in a White labor market?
The JGM BitBlog: What is my status-based identity - relatively deprived or relatively privileged?
Rebecca Yusuf, Henley Business School, University of Reading, Reading, UK Rita Fontin...
The JGM BitBlog: Expatriate coping - Age, gender & expatriate types.
Olivier Wurz, ESCP Business School, Paris, France. While expatriation is a significant disrupt...
Editorial: Our Favourite First Decade JGM Articles. The Journal of ...
The JGM BitBlog: Constructing the “Self”? Constructing the “Place”? SIEs as Norm?
Xueting Jiang, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, New York, USA Marta B. Ca...
Thank you to the 2022 Reviewers of Journal of Global Mobility
Scopus CiteScore 2021: 2.2, ANVUR (Italy) A, CABS 2021 (UK) 2*, ESCI status, ranked by ABDC 2019 list (Australia) at level B. JGM is also ranked in Nordic countries and Brazil....
The JGM BitBlog: We rely on you but know little about you!
Eimear Nolan, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Xiaoning Liang, Trinity Business...
The JGM BitBlog: Politically skilled – no benefits spilled! What do self-initiated expatriates need political skill for?
Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University, Finland Heidi Wechtler, University of Newcastle, Australia...
The JGM BitBlog: All the reasons why we can or cannot use our career expertise across national borders
Emilija Oleškevičiūtė, Cranfield University, United Kingdom Michael Dickmann, ...
The JGM BitBlog: From airports to home offices
Henriett Primecz, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Not since World War II have there been su...
The JGM BitBlog: Reaping the benefits of an expatriate childhood – good for business and good for careers!
Mireka Caselius, School of Management, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland Liisa Mäkelä,...
The JGM BitBlog: Should I stay or should I go? COVID-19 and the dual home/host country allegiance of self-initiated expatriate health workers.
Juan Miguel Rosa Gonzalez, Griffith University, Nathan, Australia Michelle Bark...
The JGM BitBlog: Expatriate-HCN interactions in stressful environments – Can resource perceptions make a difference?
Carol Reade, Lucas College of Business, San José State University, USA Mark McKenna, Lucas College of Business, San José State University, US...
The JGM BitBlog: Beyond man-made crises - an insight into expatriates’ experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic
Chhaya Mani Tripathi, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India ...
Thank you to the 2021 Reviewers of Journal of Global Mobility
The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2021 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their hel...
The JGM BitBlog: The Ominous COVID-19 Genie and Its Influence on International Business Travelers
Vilmante Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Luisa Helena Pinto, University of Porto, Portugal Tahir Gurbanov, ...
The JGM BitBlog: Can you bring your reputation abroad?
Theresa Bernhard, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Dirk Holtbrügge, ...
The JGM BitBlog: Host country employees’ negative perceptions of frequently changing expatriate leaders
Sylwia Ciuk, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK Doris Schedlitzki, London ...
The JGM BitBlog: From former colonial masters to current day expatriates
Christopher Richardson, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Living and working abroad can be hugely rewarding in many ways, but, as r...
The JGM BitBlog: Intercultural mentoring
Marian van Bakel, Syddansk Universitet, Denmark Vlad Vaiman, California Lutheran University, USA ...
The JGM BitBlog: Under-explored and under-supported – why aren’t minority expatriates on the radar of scholars and global HR practitioners?
Kate Hutchings, Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia Are HR practitioners sufficiently ...
The JGM BitBlog: Virtual Global Mobility (VGM) – The future of expatriation?
Jan Selmer, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark ...
The JGM BitBlog: Addressing the knowledge divide of globally dispersed employees during the pandemic
Reimara Valk, American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates ...
The JGM BitBlog: Knowledge is the key to success, but we transfer it only one way – the onsite-offshore business model in Indian IT MNEs
Parth Patel, Australian Institute of Business, Australia Hussain G. Rammal, University of Technology Sydney, Australia...
The JGM BitBlog: Been There, Done That, Let’s Chat – International Experience as a Microfoundation of Knowledge Sharing
Marketa Rickley, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, United States International experience stimulates knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. However, despite a...
Congratulations to the Recipients of the JGM Best Paper Award at the Standing Track of Global Mobility at the 2022 EURAM Conference in Winterthur/Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17.
The JGM BitBlog: You want me to learn something from you? You’d better show me you mean it and the value of that knowledge - Understanding the knowledge exchange between expatriates and host country nationals
Yu-Shan Hsu, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Yu-Ping Chen, Concordia University, Montrea...
The JGM BitBlog: How to get global tacit knowledge transferred to HQs - Use inpatriates!
Jane Maley, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey Timothy Kiessling, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey As global kn...
The JGM BitBlog: Replicate – Stop building card houses!
Jan Selmer, Aarhus University, Denmark Margaret Shaffer, University of Oklahoma, USA ...
The JGM BitBlog: Is experience the best teacher? The adjustment of less experienced diplomats resembles that of business expatriates.
Sophia Grill, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany ...
Journal News
Scopus CiteScore 2020: 2.6, ANVUR (Italy) A, CABS 2021 (UK) 2*, ESCI status, ranked by ABDC 2019 list (Australia) at level B. JGM is also ranked in Nordic countries and Brazil....
The JGM BitBlog: International business travelling - exhaustive or a mere delight hiding from your boss?
Liisa Mäkelä, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland Jussi Tanskanen, Universit...
The JGM BitBlog: Have you stagnated after an impressive career? Do you feel like a star that has lost its shine?
Maria Bastida, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain Luisa Pinto, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal ...
The JGM BitBlog: How you define yourself really matters - A new perspective on female expatriate adjustment
Lu Yu, Missouri State University, Springfield, USA Hong Ren, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee,&nb...
LIVING IN A “BUBBLE”: Global working communities and insulation in mobile contexts
CALL FOR PAPERS for a Special Issue of Journal of Global Mob...
The JGM BitBlog: What make them come? SIE magnets
Jason Ryan, California State University, San Bernardino, USA Sari Silvanto, California Stat...
The JGM BitBlog: Self-initiated expatriates - what do we know, what do we still need to know?
Chris Brewster, University of Reading - Henley Business School, Reading, UK Vesa Suutari, University of Vaasa – Management, Vaasa, Finland...
The JGM BitBlog: No news, good news? Exploring specific work-life issues of single and childless female expatriates
Xavier Salamin, HES-SO Valais Wallis, Sierre, Switzerland What do the work-life experi...
The JGM BitBlog: Knock on the right door! Organizational culture, diversity management and career of skilled migrants in Sweden
Ali Farashah, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden Tomas Blomquist, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden ...
The JGM BitBlog: Does personality influence expatriation willingness to dangerous locations? It depends!
Ebru Ipek, San Francisco State University, California, USA Philipp Paulus, Trier University, Trier, Germany...
The JGM BitBlog: What does it take for an expatriate to work effectively and live contentedly?
globalization, many organizations deploy globally mobile individuals who can establish, manage and coordinate foreign operations, expand business networks, execute projects, transfer know-how and build international c...
The JGM BitBlog: Who am I here? Self-initiated expatriation and identity - the role of host country language proficiency
Juan Miguel Rosa González, Michelle Barker & Dhara Shah, Griffith University, Australia Self-concept and i...
The JGM BitBlog: What goes around comes around? Immigrant recruitment and retention policies
Marian Crowley-Henry, Edward O'Connor & Blanca Suarez-Bilbao, Maynooth University, School of Business, National University of Irelan...
The JGM BitBlog: The Counterintuitive Effect of Team Potency on Expatriate Creative Work Involvement
Hanan Saber Almazrouei, College of Business and Economics, UAEU, United Arab Emirates Robert Zacca, College of Business, Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia...
The JGM BitBlog: Welcome, But Not Really - SIEs and the Traditional Japanese HR System
Chie Yorozu, School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan Have Japanese HRM practices been inter...
Recipients of the JGM Best Paper Award at the Standing Track of Expatriate Management at the 2021 EURAM Online Conference, June 16-18, 2021
The JGM BitBlog: Technology Helps Expat Teenagers Cope with Anti-Immigration Bullying – A Study about South Asia Expat Kids
Ritu Gupta, Human Resource Management, T A Pai Management Institute, Manipal, India ...
The JGM BitBlog: How Many Does It Take for Expatriation Success? Expatriation in Hostile Environments through a Multi-Stakeholder Lens
Pia Faeth, Member of the JGM Editorial Review Board An increasing number of expatriates is assigned to hostile env...
Thank you to the reviewers of the Journal of Global Mobility (JGM) in 2020
The editorial team of JGM would like to take this opportunity to thank the reviewers of JGM in 2020 for the effort and expertise that they contributed, without which it would be impossible to maintain the high standards of the jo...
The JGM BitBlog: Why Expatriates and Spouses Really Want to Leave an International Assignment – Or Not!
Julia Goede, Member of the JGM Editorial Review Board Research on the premature retu...
The JGM BitBlog - Self-Enhancement, detected with the overclaiming technique - The new kid on the block of expatriate management research
Klaus J. Templer People like to see themselves in a positive light. Especially in areas that are important to them, they think they are better than others. They exaggerate their strengths and overestimate their abilities, skills,...
The JGM BitBlog - The HCN Side of the Coin: Counting the full costs of expatriate management
Anthony Fee, Associate Editor of Journal of Global Mobility A lo...
The JGM BitBlog - The Coverage of JGM: What Do We Publish?
Jan Selmer, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Mobility • JGM is the only academic journal to consistently and exclusively focus on topics of global mobility and all types of global employees. ...
The JGM BitBlog - So, You Want to Publish in JGM; My Three Top Tips
Jan Selmer, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Mobility TIP NUMBER ONE: Make sure that your topic is appropriate for JGM....
The JGM BitBlog - What Happens to Your Manuscript after Submission?
Jan Selmer, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Mobility As the Editor-in-Chief, I will often have the first look at submitted manuscripts to check if they are considered suitable for sending out for peer review. Beside weeding out rese...
The JGM BitBlog - How to Successfully Navigate the Revise and Review (R&R) Process
Jan Selmer, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Mobility Receiving an invitation from JGM to revise your submitted manuscript is not the end but the beginning. Now starts the journey towards what you intended, to publish your ma...
Emerald Awards for Excellence - 2019
Emerald Awards for Excellence – 2019 Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research Outstanding Paper: Winners Volume 6 issue 1 ...
Literati awards

Journal of Global Mobility - Literati Award Winners 2024
We are pleased to announce our 2024 Literati Award winners. Outstanding Paper Expatriate bubbles in Dubai: expatriates...

Journal of Global Mobility - Literati Award Winners 2023
We are pleased to announce our 2023 Literati Award winners. Outstanding Paper The Potential of Virtual Global Mobility...

Journal of Global Mobility - Literati Award Winners 2022
We are pleased to announce our 2022 Literati Award winners. Outstanding Paper International business travele...
JGM publishes research on global employees, including corporate and self-initiated expatriates and other migrants crossing borders for work purposes. Among those are, for example, inpatriates, international business travellers, short-term assignees and international commuters.
eISSN: 2049-8802
You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope
Research on global mobility and global employees
JGM provides an outlet for research on topics of global mobility and all types of global employees. JGM caters to a community of scholars and practitioners interested in theoretical and empirical perspectives of global mobility as well as antecedents, correlates and consequences of activities and phenomena associated with global mobility
New domains or new insights from re-examination
JGM is especially interested in exploring new domains of global mobility or new insights gained from re-examining established topics. While most contributions are empirical, achieved with quantitative and/or qualitative methodology, we also welcome rigorous theoretical developments as well as focused but comprehensive literature reviews.
One month turnaround policy for first submission
JGM aims to provide constructive feedback to authors within one month of submission of a new manuscript. Our 30-day turnaround policy is facilitated by the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors, who will encourage high-quality, detailed and developmental feedback from reviewers to all submitting authors. However, the quality of each manuscript can influence the effectiveness of the review process. As such, manuscripts that are well developed and well written make the review process easier to facilitate and generally results in better feedback to authors.
JGM publishes research on global employees, including corporate and self-initiated expatriates and other migrants crossing borders for work purposes. Among those are, for example, inpatriates, international business travellers, short-term assignees and international commuters. We are also interested in research on global employees in non-corporate communities, such as, diplomats, academics, international school teachers, international volunteers, military, missionaries, sports professionals, international artists and healthcare employees. Last but not least, research on low status expatriates are of great interest to JGM. Associated topics, such as global leadership, recruitment and staffing of global employees, global talent management and global virtual teams are also relevant to the journal. We also encourage research on key stakeholders involved with global employees, such as family members (e.g., spouses/partners and children), host country nationals who work with global employees and global mobility professionals.
Key benefits
- JGM is the only academic journal to consistently and exclusively focus on global mobility and the management of global employees.
- JGM is the premier publishing outlet for authors and readers interested in topics and issues associated with global mobility and managing global employees.
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This title supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals
As a leading social science publisher, we're passionate about leading change, and align everything we do with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our core area of focus is interdisciplinary research aligned with the SDGs, with these key goals in mind – Fairer society, Healthier lives, Responsible management, Quality education for all, and Sustainable structures and infrastructures – all of which are about creating real-world impact, at a time when it's needed most.
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