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Free Access Articles for Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health and Social Inclusion

In support of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week we are sharing links to some content from Emerald’s mental health journals on the theme of anxiety, which is the focus of this year’s activity.

Each of the articles featured below will be free to access from 15 May until 12 June.

Leading change in health care: the challenge of anxiety
John Duncan Edmonstone

Co-design and development of a multi-component anxiety management programme for people with an intellectual disability
Daniel James Acton, Robert Waites, Sujeet Jaydeokar, Steven Jones

Three good things in nature: a nature-based positive psychological intervention to improve mood and well-being for depression and anxiety
Rosaline Keenan, Ryan Lumber, Miles Richardson, David Sheffield

Initial evaluation of a mobile therapeutic game for adolescent anxiety disorders
Steven Barnes, Julie Prescott, Joseph Adams

Reducing anxiety and hospital readmission in the early weeks following discharge from inpatient rehabilitation: the new community enhanced rehabilitation team
Kelly Fenton, Katherine Kidd, Alex Lord

The effect of cognitive–behavioral intervention on hope and death anxiety level in patients undergoing hemodialysis
Mandana Saki, Sabah Khoshnood, Fatemeh Mohammadipour, Farzad Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh Rezaei


You may also be interested in Emerald's related books in this area:

Mental Health Literacy and Young People by Paul Crawford

The International Handbook of Black Community Mental Health by Richard J. Majors

COVID 19, Frontline Responders and Mental Health by Jennifer A. Horney

Me Apps: Mental Health and the Smartphone