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Mental health awareness week: “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”

Mental Health and Social Inclusion

In support of Mental health awareness week: “Movement: Moving more for our mental health” please find below some content highlights from Emerald’s key journals in this area:

Mental Health and Social Inclusion | Emerald Publishing (

The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice | Emerald Publishing (

Nutrition & Food Science | Emerald Publishing (

Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities | Emerald Publishing (


Content Highlights

“No country for old men”: the Lawnmower Maintenance Society | Emerald Insight

The role of music in social projects: an introduction to its well-being benefits | Emerald Insight

A qualitative exploration of the experience and attitudes of exercise professionals using telehealth for people with mental illness | Emerald Insight

Confidence levels of exercise physiology and dietetic students’ pre- and post-practicum within mental health facilities | Emerald Insight

Psychological and lifestyle predictors of mental health in higher education: how healthy are our students? | Emerald Insight

Meeting current needs in mental health physical therapy: a qualitative study of students’ experiences | Emerald Insight

Assessment of disordered eating attitude and mental health among Indian Kho-Kho players | Emerald Insight

Co-design and pilot of a virtual reality intervention to improve mental and physical healthcare accessibility for people with intellectual disability | Emerald Insight