Open access week

We believe that open research has the potential to accelerate real world change. The pandemic reinforced this and allowed us to see first hand that the sharing of research and supporting data can help to solve global challenges and create real impact.

We’re committed to supporting the community in the evolution to an ecosystem that is not only open but also equitable to advance in areas that are in most need.

Open access week gives us an opportunity to bring together members of our communities to discuss, educate and take action to support open publishing around the globe.

Demystifying open access

For the month of October, we aim to dispel some myths about open access. Keep checking here for more myth-busting videos.

Myth 1: Open access articles are low quality


Chris Brown on open access myth 1

In this video, Chris discusses the process of peer review and the role that plays in ensuring high quality open access articles.

Shelly Allen on open access myth 1

In this video, Shelley discusses why the myth around low quality in open access articles exists, and how using available tools and reputable publishers ensures a high level of quality.

Myth 2: Sharing my data means losing control of my intellectual property


Sapna Narula on open access myth 2

In this video, Sapna discusses how publishing openly increases the transparency and awareness of research.

Sangeeta Menon on open access myth 2

In this video, Sangeeta discusses the myth that open access publication means losing control of your intellectual property.

Myth 3: Open access only applies to journal publications


Sharon Parkinson on open access myth 3

In this video, Sharon discusses how open access does not only apply to journal publications, and highlights the different ways to publish openly.

Myth 4: Open access journals charges are paid by the authors themselves


Jayantha Dewasiri on open access myth 4

In this video, Jayantha discusses the myth that open access journal charges are paid for by the authors themselves.

Sundar Radhakrishnan on open access myth 4

In this video, Sundar discusses the funding options available to authors who want to publish open access.

Abhishek Behl on open access myth 4

In this video, Abhishek Behl discusses the different factors that could be considered by funding sources.


Openness and transparency

Every year we gather the views of our communities through our global academic culture survey and in 2021, more than 2,000 academics, librarian and students within Emerald’s Literati community participated.

The topics covered were around attitudes to research evaluation, cultural challenges within academia, openness and transparency, the widening inequalities within academia, and the evolving role of the publisher.

Read the results and key findings on open access publishing, open data and attitudes to peer-review and preprints from the 2021 report.

Publish open access with us


Podcast: Healthy open access practices

Listen to our podcast on 'healthy open access practices' where Iram Satti speaks with Payal Kumar and Jayantha Dewasiri about open access journals, in celebration of Open Access Week.

With a drive to hear underrepresented voices from outside of the US and UK, we get a great insight into the open access culture within the south Asian region.

International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management's transition to open access

Walter Leal, Editor of the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, discusses the decision to switch the journal from a subscription format to a fully gold open access model.

Get in touch

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