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3 strategies to increase Twitter engagement

Looking for some quick strategy tips to increase Twitter engagement? This infographic shows 3 techniques, based on research.

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In a study published in the Journal of Communication Management, Beth Sundstrom and Abbey Blake Levenshus carried out research into the Twitter strategies of 500 leading media companies.

The research yielded some great practical advice that any person or business can adopt to instantly improve their Twitter communication and engagement.

Here are their 3 top tips

1. Be a thought leader

Provide useful information – share news releases, publish statistics, and host Twitter chats. Make sure to engage with hot issues and national events as they arise.

2. Integrate with other platforms

Link to your other social platforms – blogs, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and so on. Link to external media, especially news that relates to your company. Images and video tend to perform well, so share plenty of visual content.

3. Use an interactive tone of voice

Pose questions to your followers, retweet your fans, and reply to mentions and questions promptly. Use hashtags to start and organise conversations.

Download this infographic to see the top three tips from their study.

Image: Increase twitter engagement.

This infographic is based on "The art of engagement: dialogic strategies on Twitter" in Journal of Communication Management.

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