Jargon buster
Version of article or chapter | Definition |
Submitted version under review (SMUR, also known as ‘Pre-print’) | The version of the work as submitted to the journal, prior to the peer review process. |
Author accepted manuscript (AAM, also known as ‘Post-print’) | The version of the work as accepted for publication. This may include any amendments suggested as a result of the peer review process. This is the version you will receive via email when your article is accepted. You should keep a copy of this for your records. |
Version of record (VoR, also known as ‘Publisher PDF’) | The version of the work that appears in the official publication, which includes Emerald branding and formatting. |
Guidelines for sharing and reusing your work
Find out how you can reuse and share your journal article or book chapter below or by downloading this handy graphic. If you are the author of a complete book, please refer to the specific guidance below.
I have the... | Submitted version under review (SMUR) | Author accepted manuscript (AAM) | Version of record (VoR) or Publisher PDF | ![]() Version of Record |
I want to... | ||||
Use my article or book chapter for teaching and classroom purposes | Unlimited print copies Electronic use permitted within faculty only |
Can share at any time in accordance with Creative Commons licence (see below) |
Make photocopies of my article or book chapter for conferences, or to use as handouts | Unlimited | Up to 25 copies. If you require more, please see Marketplace | ||
Include my article or book chapter in my dissertation or thesis | Yes | Yes | The VoR may be included in the print version of your thesis/dissertation. If an electronic deposit is required, this must be the SMUR or AAM version | |
Reuse figures or extracts in other works authored by me | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Republish the entirety of my work in any future works | You may republish your Emerald work in a book, where your name appears on the front cover as editor or author, subject to certain conditions. Please see Marketplace for further details. | |||
Deposit my article or book chapter in my institutional repository | Anytime | Upon official publication | No. You may include the metadata of your work, and provide the digital object identifier (DOI) to the version of record on Emerald Insight | |
Post my article or book chapter on my personal or corporate website, or relevant not-for-profit subject repository | Anytime | Upon official publication | No. You may include the metadata of your work, and provide the digital object identifier (DOI) to the version of record | |
Upload my article or book chapter to a scholarly collaboration network | Anytime, but only if the site is a signatory of the STM article sharing principles | Upon official publication. Only if the site is a signatory of the STM article sharing principles | No. You may include the metadata of your work, and provide the digital object identifier (DOI) to the version of record, or the link to a version deposited into your institutional repository | |
Email my article or book chapter to colleagues | Anytime, to individuals for person use only | |||
Post my article or book chapter on social media | No. You may include the metadata of your work, and provide the DOI to the version of record, or the link to a version deposited into your institutional repository | |||
Include my work as part of a grant or funding application | Anytime |
Emerald’s Green open access policy
Our green open access route offers all Emerald journal authors or book chapter authors the option to make their research immediately and openly available upon official publication, free from payment. We are one of only a handful of publishers that does not impose an embargo period.
You may deposit your author accepted manuscript at any point, but it must not be made publicly accessible until official publication (i.e. as soon as it appears on Emerald Insight in its final typeset version).
We allow deposits to the following places:
- Your institutional repository (the repository of the institution you are affiliated to)
- A not-for-profit subject repository relevant to your discipline
- Your personal or company website
- On scholarly collaboration networks (SCNs) that have signed up to the STM article sharing principles. A full list of signatories can be seen at www.howcanishareit.com.
We do not currently allow uploading of the AAM to ResearchGate or Academia.edu. However, after publication of your article, you may upload the metadata of your work (i.e. article title, author name(s), journal name and the abstract) to ResearchGate or Academia.edu and provide the link to the version hosted by Emerald, or the link to a version deposited in your institutional repository or personal website.
How to deposit your Emerald work
To deposit your author accepted manuscript, you will need to include the following details:
- You must include the DOI back to the official published version of your work on Emerald Insight
- Include all of the relevant citation information (for journal articles: article title, journal name, volume, issue number and for book chapters: chapter title, book title, series name and volume number)
- The author accepted manuscript must clearly indicate where the article was published
- Include a clear licensing statement in the citation information and on the first page of the AAM (see below).
Deposit licenses
As an Emerald author, you have a choice of two licences to deposit your AAM under; you may either include the copyright line of the published work, or deposit under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC) licence.
The CC BY-NC licence means that anyone may reuse that AAM for non-commercial purposes. If anyone wishes to use that AAM for commercial purposes, they should see Marketplace.
Please note that Emerald does not allow author accepted manuscripts to be deposited under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, except where a transformative agreement has been signed with the author’s affiliated institution, or where an APC has been paid. Emerald appreciates that various funders and institutions have different licence expectations, so if you have any queries, please see Marketplace in the first instance.
To display this licence on your AAM, you would include the following (alongside the article citation/metadata):
'This author accepted manuscript is deposited under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC) licence. This means that anyone may distribute, adapt, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes, subject to full attribution. If you wish to use this manuscript for commercial purposes, please visit Marketplace'
We understand that you may not wish to use the CC BY-NC licence; in this case, you should deposit the author accepted manuscript and the following statement:
'© [insert the copyright line of the published article]. This AAM is provided for your own personal use only. It may not be used for resale, reprinting, systematic distribution, emailing, or for any other commercial purpose without the permission of the publisher'.
All Gold Open Access articles are published under a CC BY Creative Commons licence so articles can be reused freely, as long as full attribution to the author and original publication is included, for example:
© [Author Name]. Published in [Journal Name]. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited.
The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
Authors of a complete Emerald book
For book authors, the version of the work that may be deposited should be taken from the completed manuscript you submitted to Emerald. It should be the version accepted for publication by the editor, before it is handed over to our production team.
If you are the author of a complete book, on publication of your work, you may deposit any two chapters of your choice from your book (but not the whole book) in one of the following places:
- Your institutional repository (the repository of the institution you are affiliated to)
- A not-for-profit subject repository relevant to your discipline
- Your personal or company website.
- On scholarly collaboration networks (SCNs) that have signed up to the STM article sharing principles. A full list of signatories can be seen at www.howcanishareit.com.
The version of the chapters you deposit must be the version accepted by Emerald or the Editor (the AAM), and must not be the published version.
How to deposit your Emerald chapters
To deposit your author accepted manuscript, you will need to include the following details:
- You must include the DOI back to the official published version of your work on Emerald Insight, or the link to the book’s page on the Emerald Bookstore
- Include all of the relevant citation information (chapter title, book title, series name and volume number if appropriate)
- The author accepted manuscript must clearly indicate where the chapter was published
- Include a clear licensing statement in the citation information and on the first page of the AAM.
You have a choice of two licences to deposit under.
Sharing your article FAQs
Official publication refers to the date that the version of record (the Emerald-branded, typeset version) is made available on Emerald Insight
DOI stands for digital object identifier. It is a unique, persistent identifying URL link applied to each article or chapter, which provides direct and permanent access. For example, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ARJ-12-2012-0096.
Your article will be assigned a DOI on acceptance by Emerald. Look out for it in the self-archiving instructions email you will receive from us directly after acceptance.
If you have any queries about how you can reuse your work or have a reuse request that isn’t covered by the table on this page, please don’t hesitate to visit Marketplace.
Upon official publication, you should receive an email from the Emerald Team, which will include perpetual access to your authored work via your Emerald Insight profile, and a number of download tokens to be used within 90 days of receiving your notification. If you haven’t received this notification within 14 days of publication, please contact our customer support team for assistance. Please include the DOI or URL of your authored work.
You will automatically receive a copy of your AAM upon acceptance via email. You should keep a copy of this on file for your records. The AAM will also be held in your account on Emerald’s submission portal. We always recommend that you keep on file copies of your submitted works, the accepted version, and the final published version. This helps with preserving an audit trail of your work.
You can deposit the AAM on your personal or corporate site upon official publication. If a mandate is in place to deposit work in your institutional repository, you can make a closed deposit of the article metadata upon acceptance (the article or chapter will not be accessible but information such as author, title, and journal will). Once officially published, the full AAM can be made public.
A scholarly collaboration network is an online community of scholars using platforms to collate, share and comment upon academic research.