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Author policies

We have a series of author policies covering your rights, originality, article withdrawal or pre-prints.

In this section


Author rights

What are your rights as an author? Find out everything you need to know on our author rights page. 

Find out about author rights

Editorial policy & originality guidelines

We welcome submissions for consideration which are original and not under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Read our editorial policy and originality guidelines.

Read our editorial policy

Publishing permissions

You as the author are responsible for getting written permission to use any material in your manuscript that has been created by a third party and for covering any related fees.

Read about permissions

Pre-prints & conference papers policies

We ask you to confirm that your work is original and previously unpublished when you submit, with the exception of some preprint and conference papers.

Read our policies

Article withdrawal & correction

Articles published online, including via EarlyCite, are considered a permanent version of record and are citable via a DOI. No further revisions can be made after publication. Please see our guidelines on post-publication corrections and article withdrawal for additional information.

Read about article withdrawal

Open research policies

Read about our gold and green open access policies, processsing charges and licensing. 

Related topics

Research integrity

Read about our commitment to making sure your research can be reproduced and reused, sharing negative results and following ethical standards around authorship and plagiarism. 

Read about research integrity

Research & publishing ethics

Read about common research and publishing ethics issues and how we deal with them. 

Read our ethics guidelines

Policies & information

Read our corporate policies and statements. 

Read our policies