Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


Designing Digital Ecosystems of Service Robot: Artifacts, Behaviors, Organizations, and Design Perspectives

Industrial Management & Data Systems
This special issue highlights the socio-technical phenomena of service robots, dealing with artifacts, behaviors, organizations, and design perspectives.
Guest editor(s)
Jaehyun Park, Kun-Pyo Lee, Céline Mougenot, Younghoon Chang,

Technology Integration and Implementation in Policing

Policing: An International Journal
This special issue focuses on technology's impact on implementation, outcomes, challenges, and collaborations among police, communities, industry, and government.
Guest editor(s)
David A. Makin, Dale W. Willits,

Advancing International Marketing Strategy: Innovative Conceptual Insights and Comprehensive Literature Reviews

International Marketing Review
The special issue editors encourage scholars to submit conceptual papers or review articles that demonstrate the value of cross-fertilization of ideas between IMS and other research streams, both...
Guest editor(s)
Professor Demetris Vrontis, Dr Hélène Yildiz, Dr Saurabh Bhattacharya, Professor Balakrishna Grandhi,

Data-driven Mechanics

Engineering and Computational Mechanics
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are having a tremendous impact across a range of subject areas including engineering and computational mechanics, which is the focus of this...
Guest editor(s)
Prakash Kripakaran,

Managing recovery and resilience in organizations: The impact of employee competence and development on firm recovery

Management Decision
This SI invites both academics and practitioners to focus on the practices, processes and philosophies used in attracting, developing, retaining and managing competent employees for resilience.
Guest editor(s)
John Mendy, Elisa Conz, Thomas Rigotti,

Reinventing the finance function

Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management
Contemporary trends and global developments increasingly challenge the tasks, design and role of the finance function in organizations. Legal and social pressures require organizations to improve...
Guest editor(s)
Sandra Tillema, Rouven Trapp, Lukas Löhlein,

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