Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


Web Intelligence (WI) for Human-Machine Interaction

International Journal of Web Information Systems
Special Issue Proposal on Web Intelligence (WI) for Human-Machine Interaction
Guest editor(s)
Dr. Rohit Sharma, Prof. Qin Xin, Ishaani Priyadarshini, Prof. Sheng-Lung Peng,

International Entrepreneurship in a Changing Context: Challenges and Opportunities for Theorising

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
We aim to advance theory and practice in international entrepreneurship by revealing new trends in the internationalisation strategies adopted by international entrepreneurial firms through...
Guest editor(s)
Maria-Cristina Stoian, Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, Ulf Andersson,

Beyond Goods: The Rise of Experiential Consumption in International/Global Markets

International Marketing Review
This SI aspires to delve into how service providers/brands can design and strategize around customer experiences in global and international contexts.
Guest editor(s)
Achilleas Boukis, George Christodoulides, Lia Zarantonello,

Challenges for Internationalization and Sustainability in Business

Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion
The Special Issue explores challenges and strategies for internationalization and sustainability in business, emphasizing innovation and adaptability in global markets
Guest editor(s)
Dr. Benoît Mougenot, Dra. Africa Calanchez Urribarri, Dr. Kerwin Chavez Vera, Dr. Godofredo Illa Sihuincha,

The role of Facilitators in Professional Learning Networks: achieving valued network outcomes

Journal of Professional Capital and Community
The aim of this special issue, therefore, is to examine the role of facilitators in PLNs. The special issue will fill a gap in the existing literature by bringing together for the first time the...
Guest editor(s)
Cindy L. Poortman, Mei Kuin Lai,

Case Teaching Methodologies

The CASE Journal
The purpose of this special issue is to produce a series of best-practice articles from educators successfully employing the case method within their classrooms. With the introduction of new...
Guest editor(s)
Professor Miriam F. Weismann, Florida International University, USA, President of the CASE Association, Professor Nasar um Minullah, EBS Business School, Germany,

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