Setting up content alerts on Emerald Insight

Follow these simple steps to stay connected to the latest research:

  1. Login or register for a user profile on Emerald Insight. A user profile area allows you to set up content alerts and save searches.
  2. Browse all journals and book series until you find a title you want set up an alert for.

    Accounting, Finance & Economics 
    Business, Management & Strategy
    Climate Change and the Environment
    Education and Research Methods
    HR, Learning and Organization Studies
    Health & Social Care Management
    Information and Knowledge Management
    Library and Information Studies
    Marketing and PR
    Operations, Logistics & Quality
    Property Management & Built Environment
    Sociology, Criminology and Public Policy
    Tourism and Hospitality
  3. If Content Alerts are available for your selected title, you will see the 'Subscribe to Content Alerts' button at the top of the page:

    subscribe button
    Click on the button to set up Content Alerts:
  4. To unsubscribe from Content Alerts, click the ‘Unsubscribe from Content Alerts button’.

    Unsubscribe button
  5. After you have set up Content Alerts, you will receive an email when new content is published for your chosen title(s).
  6. You can review and manage your Content Alert preferences within your Emerald Insight profile. You will see a full list of titles you have selected for Content Alerts, with options to unsubscribe next to each of them.


    Table of contents

User profiles: support & guidance

Step-by-step guidance on creating profiles and setting up content alerts. 

Guide to setting up your profile on Emerald Insight

How-to PDF guides in 11 languages on personalising your Emerald Insight profile to make the most from the content you want to see.

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