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Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) examines how a variety of business processes intrinsic to organizational efficiency and effectiveness are integrated and managed for competitive success and in so doing, disseminates best practice.

ISSN: 1463-7154
eISSN: 1758-4116

You can choose to publish your article open access in this journal by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.

Aims and scope

Business processes are a fundamental building block of organizational success. Even though effectively managing business process is a key activity for business prosperity, there remain considerable gaps in understanding how to drive efficiency through a process approach. Building a clear and deep understanding of the range process, how they function, and how to manage them is the major challenge facing modern business.

Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) examines how a variety of business processes intrinsic to organizational efficiency and effectiveness are integrated and managed for competitive success.

Coverage includes:

  • BPM in eBusiness, eCommerce and eGovernment 
  • Web-based enterprise application integration 
  • eBPM, ERP, CRM, ASP & SCM 
  • Knowledge management and learning organization
  • Methodologies, techniques and tools of business process modeling, analysis and design 
  • Techniques of moving from one-shot business process re-engineering to continuous improvement 
  • Best practices in BPM 
  • Performance management 
  • Tools and techniques of change management 
  • BPM case studies

An introduction to Business Process Management Journal

Listen to Prof. Elena-Madalina Vatamanescu of National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Romania and Editor-in-Chief of the Business Process Management Journal give an overview of the journal and highlight why authors should consider submitting. 

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