A defining feature of contemporary health and social care systems is the active and meaningful involvement of people with lived experience. It is this concept of health citizenship which emphasises the importance of integrating lay knowledge and user experience.
At the same time, health citizenship has been critiqued on the grounds that it doesn’t pay enough attention to questions around power, rights, responsibilities and representation. These tensions, therefore, invite further discussion and debate.
In our mission to understand health citizenship, we ask:
- What distinguishes a health citizen from a health consumer?
- In what ways does health citizenship integrate the lay knowledge of patients and service users?
- Does health citizenship improve access and quality of care?
- And has the transformative power of user involvement been overstated?
If you're a researcher looking to publish a paper in this area, you can browse our full list of journals by subject area or view our latest call for papers to find the perfect home for your research.
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This mission is aligned with our Healthier lives goal
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Featured call for papers
Health Citizenship – is participation always effective?
International Perspectives on Health Equity
Health citizenship is integral to improving the quality and safety of person centred, culturally appropriate, evidence-based health and social care in the quest to achieve the best possible outcomes with regards to health and wellbeing for individuals and populations.
Health & social care
Our research covers all aspects of health & social care such as the health and social impacts of COVID-19, human rights, mental health, and policy and practice in healthcare management.
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If you would like to contribute to this page, or you are working on research related to health citizenship and/or healthier lives and would like to publish it in a journal, please let us know by filling in this form and we’ll get right back to you.