Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


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Navigating Complexity: Integrating Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence and Business Process Management in a VUCA World

Business Process Management Journal
The special issue of Business Process Management Journal will focus on issues surrounding the discourse on how Knowledge Management (KM) and Business Intelligence (BI) practices can support and...
Guest editor(s)
Prof. Manlio Del Giudice, Prof. Pedro Soto-Acosta, Prof. Sylvaine Castellano, Arvind Malhotra, Benjamin Laker,

Evaluating Accreditation as a Catalyst for Quality Improvement in Education

Quality Assurance in Education
This special issue of Quality Assurance in Education aims to critically explore the impact of accreditation across different educational levels and disciplines. We seek original research and...
Guest editor(s)
Dr Jeffrey W. Alstete, Dr Shirish Raibagkar, Dr Krassie Petrova,

Exploring the Bright and Dark Sides of AI in Business Processes

Management Decision
This special issue aims to provide a platform for scholarly discussion on AI's bright and dark sides in business processes. We invite contributions that offer theoretical insights, empirical research...
Guest editor(s)
Matteo Cristofaro, Simone Guercini,

Developing Supportive Entrepreneurial Universities in Support of Business Scalability: Education and knowledge exchange as regenerative action

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
The special issue provokes discussion and invites research concerning the dynamic and evolving role of universities, as supportive change agents through education, knowledge exchange-based...
Guest editor(s)
Robert James Crammond, Trudie Murray, Robin Bell,

Advances in Dual Diagnosis in Older Adults

Advances in Dual Diagnosis
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a themed section in Advances in Dual Diagnosis Journal on Advances in Dual Diagnosis in Older Adults.
Guest editor(s)
Dr Beth Bareham,

Advancing Performance Management in Healthcare: Harnessing Digital Technology for Knowledge Integration and Value Creation

Journal of Health Organization and Management
This special issue focuses on the evolving role of digital tools in healthcare performance management, particularly their capacity to enhance knowledge management and support value creation
Guest editor(s)
Guido Noto, Francesca De Domenico, Anna Maria Melina, Rocco Reina,

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Calls for books

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