Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


AECO Industry Human-Centered Transformation by Innovation: Enabling Synergies between Smart Digital Technologies and Lean Construction

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
This special issue explores the integration of Smart Digital Technologies and Lean Construction, emphasizing human-centered design to bridge productivity and digitalization gaps in the AECO industry.
Guest editor(s)
Vicente A. Gonzalez, Borja Garcia de Soto, Ming Shan Ng (Charmaine), Qian Chen,

Special Issue in memory of Professor Stanley McGreal "Property and the urban environment”

Journal of European Real Estate Research
Short description of the special issue (20-25 words) This call for papers for a special issue of JERER is in the areas in which Professor McGreal excelled during his academic life, with his works...
Guest editor(s)
Alastair Adair, Jim Berry, Paloma Taltavull,

Call for papers – Examining the Dynamics of the School Environments in Africa and Asia Using Social Media Network Analysis

Journal of International Cooperation in Education
Call for papers – Examining the Dynamics of the School Environments in Africa and Asia Using Social Media Network Analysis
Guest editor(s)
Mohd Ali Samsudin, Tan Wee Lin, Tiew Chia Chun,

Adaptive Agriculture: Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and Biodiversity for Resilient Farming Systems Under Climate Stress

International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
This Special Issue (SI) aims to explore the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and biodiversity to enhance the resilience of agricultural systems under climate stress. We seek to advance...
Guest editor(s)
Barlin Orlando Olivares Campos, Franklin Javier Paredes Trejo,

Call for special issue proposals - Journal for Multicultural Education

Journal for Multicultural Education
Journal for Multicultural Education is welcoming special issue proposals.
Guest editor(s)

Transillumination: Raising Awareness of Representations of Families in Children’s and Youth Literature

English Teaching: Practice & Critique
This issue explores representations of "abnormal" families in children's literature, aiming to promote inclusivity and normalize diverse family experiences.
Guest editor(s)
Melody Zoch, Amy Burke,

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Calls for books

Discover our latest calls for book contributors and book proposals from our extensive book range.