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Listings show titles for 2024 subscriptions. Listings are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.

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Accounting, Finance & Economics ISSN  Business, Management & Strategy ISSN 
Accounting Research Journal 1030-9616 Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 1012-8255
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 0951-3574 African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 2040-0705
Agricultural Finance Review 0002-1466 American Journal of Business 1935-5181
Asian Review of Accounting 1321-7348 Annals in Social Responsibility 2056-3515
China Agricultural Economic Review 1756-137X Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 1757-4323
China Finance Review International 2044-1398 Baltic Journal of Management 1746-5265
Indian Growth and Development Review 1753-8254 Chinese Management Studies 1750-614X
International Journal of Accounting & Information Management 1834-7649 Competitiveness Review 1059-5422
International Journal of Development Issues 1446-8956 Continuity and Resilience Review 2516-7502
International Journal of Ethics and Systems prev. Humanomics 2514-9369 Corporate Governance 1472-0701
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 1753-8394 Critical Perspectives on International Business 1742-2043
International Journal of Managerial Finance 1743-9132 Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 2059-5794
International Journal of Manpower 0143-7720 EuroMed Journal of Business 1450-2194
International Journal of Social Economics 0306-8293 European Business Review 0955-534X
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 1832-5912 European Journal of Innovation Management 1460-1060
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 2042-1168 Foresight 1463-6689
International Journal of Conflict Management 1044-4068
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 2044-0839 International Journal of Emerging Markets 1746-8809
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 0967-5426 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 1355-2554
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies 1754-4408 International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 1756-6266
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences 1026-4116 International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223
Journal of Economic Studies 0144-3585 International Journal of Law and Management 1754-243X
Journal of Financial Crime 1359-0790 International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1753-8378
Journal of Financial Economic Policy 1757-6385 International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 0959-0552
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 1358-1988 International Journal of Wine Business Research 1751-1062
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 1985-2517 Journal of Advances in Management Research 0972-7981
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 1759-0817 Journal of Asia Business Studies 1558-7894
Journal of Money Laundering Control 1368-5201 Journal of Business Strategy 0275-6668
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership 2514-7641 Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy 1750-6204
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 1096-3367 Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 2045-2101
Journal of Risk Finance, The 1526-5943 Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 2053-4604
Managerial Auditing Journal 0268-6902 Journal of Family Business Management 2043-6238
Managerial Finance 0307-4358 Journal of Global Responsibility 2041-2568
Meditari Accountancy Research 2049-372X Journal of Indian Business Research 1755-4195
Pacific Accounting Review 0114-0582 Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 1477-0024
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 1176-6093 Journal of Management History 1751-1348
Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 1755-4179 Journal of Modelling in Management 1746-5664
Review of Accounting and Finance 1475-7702 Journal of Service Management 1757-5818
Review of Behavioural Finance 1940-5979 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 1462-6004
Studies in Economics and Finance 1086-7376 Journal of Strategy and Management 1755-425X
    Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review 2752-9819
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 2040-8021 Management Decision 0025-1747
    Management Research Review 2040-8269
    Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 1536-5433
s   Measuring Business Excellence 1368-3047
    Multinational Business Review 1525-383X
    Nankai Business Review International 2040-8749
    Review of International Business and Strategy 2059-6014
    Social Enterprise Journal 1750-8614
    Social Responsibility Journal 1747-1117
    Society and Business Review 1746-5680
    South Asian Journal of Business Studies 2398-628X
    Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 2042-678X
    Strategic Direction 0258-0543
    Strategy & Leadership 1087-8572
Education ISSN Engineering ISSN
Asian Education and Development Studies 2046-3162 Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 0002-2667
Education + Training 0040-0912 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 0003-5599
English Teaching: Practice & Critique 1175-8708 Circuit World 0305-6120
Health Education 0965-4283 COMPEL 0332-1649
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 2042-3896 Engineering Computations 0264-4401
History of Education Review 0819-8691 Grey Systems: Theory and Application 2043-9377
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 1741-5659 Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 0036-8792
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 2046-8253 Industrial Robot 0143-991X
International Journal of Comparative Education and Development 2396-7404 International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 0955-6222
International Journal of Educational Management 0951-354X International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics 1756-378X
International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 2056-4880 International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2049-6427
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 2046-6854 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 0961-5539
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 1467-6370 International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 1742-7371
Journal for Multicultural Education 2053-535X International Journal of Structural Integrity 1757-9864
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 2050-7003 International Journal of Web Information Systems 1744-0084
Journal of Educational Administration 0957-8234 Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317
Journal of International Education in Business 2046-469X Kybernetes 0368-492X
Journal of Professional Capital and Community 2056-9548 Microelectronics International 1356-5362
On the Horizon: The International Journal of Learning Futures 1074-8121 Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 1573-6105
Qualitative Research Journal 1443-9883 Pigment & Resin Technology 0369-9420
Quality Assurance in Education 0968-4883 Rapid Prototyping Journal 1355-2546
Social Studies Research and Practice 1933-5415 Research Journal of Textile and Apparel 1560-6074
Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 2398-4686 Robotic Intelligence and Automation 2754-6969
    Sensor Review 0260-2288
    Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 0954-0911
    World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284
Health & Social Care ISSN HR, Learning & Organization Studies ISSN
Advances in Dual Diagnosis 1757-0972 Career Development International 1362-0436
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2044-1282 Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal 1477-7282

Drugs, Habits and Social Policy


Employee Relations 0142-5455
Housing, Care and Support 1460-8790 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 2040-7149
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 0952-6862 European Journal of Training and Development 2046-9012
International Journal of Health Governance 2059-4631 Evidence-based HRM 2049-3983
International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare 2056-4902 Gender in Management 1754-2413
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 1747-9894 Human Resource Management International Digest 0967-0734
International Journal of Prisoner Health 1744-9200 Industrial and Commercial Training 0019-7858
International Journal of Workplace Health Management 1753-8351 International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior 1093-4537
The Journal of Adult Protection 1466-8203 International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1934-8835
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 1759-6599 International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 1741-0401
Journal of Children's Services 1746-6660 Journal of Global Mobility 2049-8799
Journal of Criminal Psychology 2009-3829 Journal of Management Development 0262-1711
Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice 2056-3841 Journal of Managerial Psychology 0268-3946
Journal of Enabling Technologies 2398-6263 Journal of Organizational Change Management 0953-4814
The Journal of Forensic Practice 2050-8794 Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 2051-6614
Journal of Health Organization and Management 1477-7266 Journal of Organizational Ethnography 2046-6749
Journal of Integrated Care 1476-9018 Journal of Workplace Learning 1366-5626
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour 2050-8824 Leadership & Organization Development Journal 0143-7739
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 1755-6228 Personnel Review 0048-3486
Journal of Public Mental Health 1746-5729 Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal 1746-5648
Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 Strategic HR Review 1475-4398
Mental Health and Social Inclusion 2042-8308 Team Performance Management 1352-7592
Mental Health Review Journal 1361-9322 The Learning Organization 0969-6474
Nutrition & Food Science  0034-6659    
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 1471-7794    
Safer Communities 1757-8043    
Therapeutic Communities 0964-1866    
Tizard Learning Disability Review 1359-5474    
Working with Older People 1366-3666    
Information & Knowledge Management ISSN Library Sciences ISSN
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 2398-5038 Aslib Journal of Information Management 2050-3806
Industrial Management & Data Systems 0263-5577 Collection and Curation 2514-9326
Information and Computer Security 2056-4961 Data Technologies and Applications prev. Program 2514-9288
Information Technology & People 0959-3845 Digital Library Perspectives 2059-5816
Internet Research 1066-2243 Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication prev. Library Review 2514-9342
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 1741-0398 Information and Learning Sciences 2398-5348
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 1477-996X Information Discovery and Delivery 2398-6247
Journal of Intellectual Capital 1469-1930 Journal of Documentation 0022-0418
Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 Library Hi Tech 0737-8831
Journal of Systems and Information Technology 1328-7265 Library Hi Tech News 0741-9058
Records Management Journal 0956-5698 Library Management 0143-5124
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 2059-5891 Online Information Review 1468-4527
    Performance Measurement and Metrics 1467-8047
    Reference Services Review 0090-7324
    The Bottom Line 0888-045X
    The Electronic Library 0264-0473
Marketing ISSN Operations, Logistics & Quality ISSN
Arts and the Market 2056-4945 Benchmarking: An International Journal 1463-5771
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 1355-5855 Business Process Management Journal 1463-7154
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 1356-3289 International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 2040-4166
European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566 The International Journal of Logistics Management 0957-4093
International Journal of Bank Marketing 0265-2323 International Journal of Operations & Production Management 0144-3577
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 1750-6123 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 0960-0035
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 1464-6668 International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 0265-671X
International Marketing Review 0265-1335 International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 1756-669X
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 0885-8624 Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 2398-5364
Journal of Communication Management 1363-254X Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X
Journal of Consumer Marketing 0736-3761 Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 1355-2511
Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science 2516-7480 Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 2053-4620
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 1361-2026 Journal of Service Theory and Practice 2055-6225
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 1755-750X Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 1359-8546
Journal of Islamic Marketing 1759-0833 The TQM Journal 1754-2731
Journal of Product & Brand Management 1061-0421    
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122    
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 1471-5201    
Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045    
Journal of Social Marketing 2042-6763    
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 0263-4503    
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 1352-2752    
Young Consumers 1747-3616    
Property Management & Built Environment ISSN Public Policy & Environmental Management ISSN
Archnet-IJAR 2631-6862 British Food Journal 0007-070X
Built Environment Project and Asset Management 2044-124X Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 0965-3562
Construction Innovation 1471-4175 International Journal of Emergency Services 2047-0894
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 0969-9988 International Journal of Energy Sector Management 1750-6220
Facilities 0263-2772 International Journal of Public Leadership 2056-4929
International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 2398-4708 International Journal of Public Sector Management 0951-3558
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 1759-5908 International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 0144-333X
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 1753-8270 Journal of Public Procurement 1535-0118
Journal of Corporate Real Estate 1463-001X Management of Environmental Quality 1477-7835
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 2044-1266 Policing: An International Journal 1363-951X
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 1726-0531 Social Transformations in Chinese Societies 1871-2673
Journal of European Real Estate Research 1753-9269 Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 1750-6166
Journal of Facilities Management 1472-5967    
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction 1366-4387    
Journal of Place Management and Development 1753-8335    
Journal of Property Investment & Finance 1463-578X    
Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law 2514-9407    
Open House International 0168-2601    
Property Management 0263-7472    
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 2046-6099    
Tourism & Hospitality Management ISSN
Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality 2752-6666
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 0959-6119
International Journal of Event and Festival Management 1758-2954
International Journal of Tourism Cities 2056-5607
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 2514-9792
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 1757-9880
Tourism Review 1660-5373
Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes 1755-4217

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