Title listings: HR, Learning & Organization Studies
Listings show titles for 2025 subscriptions. Listings are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.
Topical coverage
- Acculturation
- Career development
- Corporate communication
- Corporate social responsibility
- Cross cultural employment
- Emotion in organisations
- Employee benefits
- Empowerment
- Gender and organisations
- Leadership
- Learning and development
- Organisational behaviour
- Performance management
- Personal branding
- Psychometrics
- Remote working
- Retirement
- Talent management
- Team management
- The future of work
- The impact of Brexit on the labour force
- Work engagement
- Work/life balance
- Workforce demographics
- Workplace bullying
- Workplace diversity
Content highlights
Gender in Management: An International Journal
Examines gender gaps in work-related outcomes in the context of Covid-19.
High-performance work systems, innovation and knowledge sharing
Employee Relations
Explores the high performance work system through ability, motivation and opportunity model.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion recently published a Special Issue titled 'Chasing Truth and (Re)Conciliation: Navigating Contexts, Tensions, Limits and Possibilities’. This was linked to Emerald's First voices first project around Indigenous-led research, which was supported by The Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL).
Arnold Bakker is a Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, a fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, the secretary general of the Alliance for Organizational Psychology, and the former president of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Knowledge management in tourism: paradigms, approaches and methods
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Diversity in disability: leaders' accounts on inclusive employment in the Indian context
Equality Diversity and Inclusion An International Journal
4 Quality Education
Examines key factors that direct the decisions about targeted recruitment of persons with various types of disabilities.
Gender, formal organizational status and humor use: perceptions of social acceptance
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Investigates whether female humourists have less social latitude in their use of aggressive and affiliative humour in the workplace.
Impact of Big Five personality traits on authentic leadership
Leadership & Organization Development JournalExamines how the Big Five personality traits can predict an authentic leadership style.
How does telehealth shape new ways of co-creating value?
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
Explores telehealth services and the added value they co-create for public and private stakeholders.
*Source information: 2021 CiteScoreTM (powered by Scopus®) | Journal Citation ReportsTM from Clarivate, 2021 | Emerging Sources Citation IndexTM from Clarivate, 2021.
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