Business, Management & Strategy

Business, Management & Strategy

eJournal Collection

Title listings: Business, Management & Strategy

Listings show titles for 2024 subscriptions. Listings are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change.

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Journal title ISSN
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 1012-8255
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 2040-0705
American Journal of Business 1935-5181
Annals in Social Responsibility 2056-3515
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 1757-4323
Baltic Journal of Management 1746-5265
Chinese Management Studies 1750-614X
Competitiveness Review 1059-5422
Continuity and Resilience Review 2516-7502
Corporate Governance 1472-0701
Critical Perspectives on International Business 1742-2043
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 2059-5794
EuroMed Journal of Business 1450-2194
European Business Review 0955-534X
European Journal of Innovation Management 1460-1060
Foresight 1463-6689
International Journal of Conflict Management 1044-4068
International Journal of Emerging Markets 1746-8809
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 1355-2554
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 1756-6266
International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223
International Journal of Law and Management 1754-243X
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1753-8378
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 0959-0552
International Journal of Wine Business Research 1751-1062
Journal of Advances in Management Research 0972-7981
Journal of Asia Business Studies 1558-7894
Journal of Business Strategy 0275-6668
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy 1750-6204
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 2045-2101
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 2053-4604
Journal of Family Business Management 2043-6238
Journal of Global Responsibility 2041-2568
Journal of Indian Business Research 1755-4195
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 1477-0024
Journal of Management History 1751-1348
Journal of Modelling in Management 1746-5664
Journal of Service Management 1757-5818
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 1462-6004
Journal of Strategy and Management 1755-425X
Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review 2752-9819
Management Decision 0025-1747
Management Research Review 2040-8269
Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 1536-5433
Measuring Business Excellence 1368-3047
Multinational Business Review 1525-383X
Nankai Business Review International 2040-8749
Review of International Business and Strategy 2059-6014
Social Enterprise Journal 1750-8614
Social Responsibility Journal 1747-1117
Society and Business Review 1746-5680
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 2398-628X
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 2042-678X
Strategic Direction 0258-0543
Strategy & Leadership 1087-8572
Technological Sustainability 2754-1312


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Topical coverage

  • Business administration
  • Business and international management
  • Business and management history
  • Business ethics and law
  • Business excellence
  • Business strategy
  • Circular economy
  • Competitiveness
  • Conflict management
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Cultural studies/globalisation
  • Disruptive technologies and digital innovation
  • Diversity and Inclusion  in Leadership
  • Emerging markets
  • Family business
  • Human resource management
  • International business
  • Organisational behaviour
  • Organisational theory
  • Performance management
  • Project management
  • Responsible management education
  • Strategic orientation
  • Sustainable business practices
  • Sustainable supply chains

Content highlights




Blockchain technology, macroeconomic uncertainty and investment efficiency

International Journal of Emerging Markets​

Investigates the relationship between blockchain technology and macroeconomic uncertainty.



Gender-based characteristics of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in an emerging country: is this a man’s world?

Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Studies the relationship between female ownership and Ecuadorian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises’ financial, economic and social outcomes.



Beyond panic buying: consumption displacement and COVID-19

Journal of Service Management

Evaluates the shift in consumption when consumers experience a change in the availability of goods.


Vanessa Ratten is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Department of Management, La Trobe Business School, Melbourne, Australia. Vanessa is a guest editor of a 2021 special issue “Enhancing policies and measurements of family business: Macro, meso or micro analysis” in the Journal of Family Business Management.




Do education sector credit cards differ with other credit cards in Malaysia?

Society and Business Review

Compares the features of education and other credit cards in Malaysia.



Understanding the customer psychology of impulse buying during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for retailers

International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management

Explores the customer psychology of impulse buying during COVID-19 pandemic.



Knowledge visualisation for strategic decision making in the digital age

Management Decision



Trust me, I'm a bot – repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings

Journal of Service Management

Explores how negative effects of chatbot disclosure for customer retention can be prevented.

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journals receive a JCR Impact Factor*
journals are listed in ESCI*

*Source information: 2021 CiteScoreTM (powered by Scopus®)  |  Journal Citation ReportsTM from Clarivate, 2021  |  Emerging Sources Citation IndexTM from Clarivate, 2021.

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